Proper Dieting for Adding Muscle

In order to create muscle it is necessary to stick to a diet that gives you with a large amount of calories and protein. For the most part, if you try to ingest a lot more protein then chow down on as much of whatever else you desire it will probably be enough to build muscle. However, if you want to maximize your results and build muscle with a quicker pace, there are a few specific foods that would be logical for you to consume.
Fact Vs. Fiction
Fiction #1: Consume As Much Whey Protein As Possible
Protein is extremely popular among bodybuilders and deservedly so. Protein consumption helps our body sustain an anabolic condition and protein synthesis throughout the post-workout phase due to higher absorption speeds. However, how much protein one's body can actually handle at any given time lives on as a subject matter of argument.
Fact: While the typical internet "guru" can have you thinking that you ought to be continually guzzling as many protein supplements as possible, this can be harmful to your workout goals. In fact, there hasn't been any scientific investigation that attests to this view. Todays research actually surmises that your system will only draw in approximately 20g of protein at any stage outside the post-workout stage. Venture to guess what becomes of the rest of the protein consumed during this time? It gets kept as fat!
All this is simply not to say that pure whey protein is a waste. Not at all! It continues to be a great supplement for both pre- and post-workout consumption. Just be mindful of the fact that those colossal shakes with 50g of protein will not likely give you the results you desire if you consume them away from the previously mentioned anabolic windows. Always stay with a single serving of whey protein isolate per sitting and make sure to eat actual solid food when time permits.
Fiction #2: It's Easy to Put on Muscle Without Adding Fat
The desire most of the people set out for when first starting a workout program is generally something similar to wanting to gain muscle and stay lean. In order to attain this, most people will simply start taking supplements or workout more without adapting their diet. Nevertheless, if you don't possess amazing genetics, it is all but impossible to not add any fat when body building.
Fact: The only way an individual may gain pure muscle without fat is when they are in an untrained state. By untrained, I am referencing someone who has not touched a weight set for more than six months. The explanation as to why a far more active or veteran weight lifter may add some fat while training is simply because their body has to be in a situation of caloric surplus to guarantee that there is adequate protein accessible to avoid muscle dissipation. In order to retain this state, an individual should be eating about six small meals daily where, unquestionably, some body fat will be added.
Fiction #3: Supplements Can Undo Bad Dieting Practices
This is among the most common mistakes people make. They don't know exactly what the role of each supplement is and just end up purchasing everything in sight hoping for some sort of miracle.
Fact: Supplements have their name for good reason. Their only purpose is to accompany what you eat and not to represent your whole diet. Some people are actually known to use up to 10 different supplements throughout the day! Aside from the fact that this involves a huge amount of|quantity of money, you'll never get the outcome you could receive coming from a proper nutrition plan. As the saying goes, an excessive amount of a good thing might be harmful for you. Only use supplements to improve an already healthy diet.
What Foods to Eat When Training
1. Eggs
Eggs are probably the most rewarding food available for someone planning to add muscle. A lot of people have the tendency of only identifying eggs with cholesterol. It should be noted that this belief has been dismissed by nearly every study ever performed on the issue. It seems that most people do know that eggs certainly are an enormous supply of protein but fail to appreciate how vital they really are.
2. Greens
Greens produce an ample amount of vitamins, minerals, and fiber, all of which are crucial to your general health. When eaten every day, greens help shift your body into a more alkaline state. Our bodies are, regrettably, commonly in an acidic state because of the processed meals many of us eat. Even when we undertake a training regimen, the high amounts of protein we consume puts us within an acidic state. Constantly being in an acidic state could be quite hazardous as it can lead to all sorts of cancers and afflictions.
3. Lean Meat
Red meat actually is one of the few ways we can acquire natural creatine inside our diet plans. For those who don't know, creatine is one of the most valuable organic dietary nutrients used in the muscle building process. Whenever you buy red meat, always try to get organic because if you don't your omega balance will have the propensity of becoming unstable.
4. Quinoa
Quinoa, put simply, is one of the most advantageous complex carbohydrate you can include in an eating plan. With a protein concentration of roughly 15%, quinoa can be combined with animal protein and greens to make an excellent post-workout meal. Another benefit of quinoa is that it contains no gluten and does not carry any of the allergens seen in other grains. On top of that, quinoa functions as an excellent way to obtain calcium and vitamins.
5. Peanut Butter
Peanut butter is a treasure trove for both mono and polyunsaturated healthy fats. Not only that, but it also acts as an adequate way to attain protein. Adding peanut butter to your protein shakes will go a long way in assisting you attain an appropriate ratio of protein, carbs, and fat. It's also packed with healthy calories that will not add any extra fat. By adding peanut butter routinely into what you eat, you will likely be able to succeed in your daily calorie recommendations all while not adding unwanted carbohydrates.
It can be tiresome trying to vary your meals. If all you cook are chicken breasts you're likely to get tired of them and likely dump your diet completely. An great source of muscle building recipes is Anabolic Cooking by Dave Ruel. With nearly 200 recipes, it is the best cookbook for a determined bodybuilding diet. For more information check out a full Anabolic Cooking review.

Should Women Lift Weights? Why Lifting Weights Is Important For Anyone, Including You Ladies

Ladies, I understand your afraid of lifting weights because you don't want to get big and bulky. Well, I don't blame you one bit. No woman out there want to get big and bulky, women go for the elongated lean look. The problem is, this can't be achieved without some form of weight lifting.
I'm a huge advocate of the P90X workout program. I have a lot of friends who are women who tell me they don't want do that program because you have to lift weights. That is the wrong mentality to have if you really want that long sexy look. Lifting weights are totally necessary if you want to achieve this.
If you're a woman and you're trying to avoid that bulky look, you just have to change the way you're lifting the weights. For a man who is looking to gain bulk, they should pick a weight that allows them to do 8-10 reps. If you're a woman you should be looking for a weight that allows you to do a minimum of 15 reps.
More reps with lighter weight will gain you lean muscle instead of the bigger bulky muscle. This goes the same for men as well, if you're trying to gain lean muscle as a man, go for a lighter weight and do more reps.
There are other benefits to lifting weights and putting on muscle as a woman as well. Having more muscle in your body will make you more of a fat burning machine. Muscle burns more fat naturally in your body. Your body will actually burn 3 times the amount of fat per pound of muscle oppose to fat.
Another way that lifting weights and building muscle helps you burn more fat is your R.M.R. after a workout. R.M.R. stands for resting metabolic rate. This is the measurement of calories burned while resting. When you do a cardiovascular workout, your R.M.R. is typically increased for a few hours afterward. When you lift weights and give your muscles a good workout, your R.M.R. can be elevated for as many as 48 hours. This means your body is burning calories at a higher rate over the next 48 hours. If you combine a weight lifting routine with your normal cardio you will be burning many, many more calories.
I am an advocate of lifting weights, whether you are a man or woman. I have made it my goal to make sure people understand the benefits of adding muscle, especially women. Good luck ladies, I hope that you are able take this information to heart and get the body you always wanted!
If your ready to get into great shape, please visit my site to lean all about How To Get Fit with proper workouts and eating habits. Also, if you want to see the workout that has helped me and my wife get into great shape, check out the Focus T25 meal plan and workout program now! It's body weight only so no equipment needed, but your gonna blast fat like no one's business!

The Three Keys to Rapid Muscle Growth

Building muscle quickly, that's what we all want. Depending on your definition of quickly, it may be impossible. Muscle grows slowly and you are not going to pack on 20 pounds in a week, but you can maximize the rate that muscle grows and make a significant change in your physique in a matter of a few months if you go about it intelligently.
Now a quick side note about putting on muscle. We all have different body types that respond differently to training and nutrition. Sometimes people talk about the somatotypes of ectomorph, endomorph, and mesomorph. If you are an ectomorph it will take you longer to build muscle. Ectomorphs are naturally skinny and have trouble putting on any weight, but it can be done! Endomorphs are natural athletes; it's easiest for them. Mesomorphs, well, let's just say they are naturally big fat and round people, like me. Mesomorphs build muscle easier and faster than ectomorphs, but body fat is a constant challenge. I know it is with me!
Regardless of your body type, there are approaches in common that work. We can merely skim the surface in one article as numerous people have done their doctoral thesis in these areas. The three keys are: nutrition, large compound muscle exercises, and rest or recovery. Let's discuss each briefly.
Nutrition is critical! If you stick to a diet of beer, nachos, fatty breakfast sandwiches, lots of simple carbs, etc. you simply are not going to grow as rapidly as if you are eating quality protein, slowly digested carbs, and minimizing bad fats. You can still eat wonderful and tasty foods, check out the links at the end of this article, but those midnight pizzas can no longer be your mainstay!
For training, compound exercises that leave you breathless and nearly dizzy knock the entire body into a muscle growing or anabolic state need to be mainstays. Some of these are not popular because they are so tough. The two best exercises, that you should absolutely be doing to maximize muscle growth, are squats and deadlifts. For some reason these work like no others, and although squats primarily target the leg muscles and deadlifts primarily target the back muscles, they both work the majority of the body!
The third is rest. Over training is very simple if you are zealous about bodybuilding, but very counterproductive. Do not over train, and that includes all exercise, not just weight lifting. When I'm biking a lot or skiing several times a week I need to take those into account for example. I also usually alternate weeks with deadlifts and squats because they are so intense!
Much more information is available at Anabolic Muscle Cooking and also Muscle Building Exercises. Get to the gym and concentrate on large compound exercises like squats and deadlifts, eat right, and make sure you get plenty of rest and recovery and with a little dedication you will be on your way.

Proper Dieting for Adding Muscle

In order to create muscle it is necessary to stick to a diet that gives you with a large amount of calories and protein. For the most part, if you try to ingest a lot more protein then chow down on as much of whatever else you desire it will probably be enough to build muscle. However, if you want to maximize your results and build muscle with a quicker pace, there are a few specific foods that would be logical for you to consume.
Fact Vs. Fiction
Fiction #1: Consume As Much Whey Protein As Possible
Protein is extremely popular among bodybuilders and deservedly so. Protein consumption helps our body sustain an anabolic condition and protein synthesis throughout the post-workout phase due to higher absorption speeds. However, how much protein one's body can actually handle at any given time lives on as a subject matter of argument.
Fact: While the typical internet "guru" can have you thinking that you ought to be continually guzzling as many protein supplements as possible, this can be harmful to your workout goals. In fact, there hasn't been any scientific investigation that attests to this view. Todays research actually surmises that your system will only draw in approximately 20g of protein at any stage outside the post-workout stage. Venture to guess what becomes of the rest of the protein consumed during this time? It gets kept as fat!
All this is simply not to say that pure whey protein is a waste. Not at all! It continues to be a great supplement for both pre- and post-workout consumption. Just be mindful of the fact that those colossal shakes with 50g of protein will not likely give you the results you desire if you consume them away from the previously mentioned anabolic windows. Always stay with a single serving of whey protein isolate per sitting and make sure to eat actual solid food when time permits.
Fiction #2: It's Easy to Put on Muscle Without Adding Fat
The desire most of the people set out for when first starting a workout program is generally something similar to wanting to gain muscle and stay lean. In order to attain this, most people will simply start taking supplements or workout more without adapting their diet. Nevertheless, if you don't possess amazing genetics, it is all but impossible to not add any fat when body building.
Fact: The only way an individual may gain pure muscle without fat is when they are in an untrained state. By untrained, I am referencing someone who has not touched a weight set for more than six months. The explanation as to why a far more active or veteran weight lifter may add some fat while training is simply because their body has to be in a situation of caloric surplus to guarantee that there is adequate protein accessible to avoid muscle dissipation. In order to retain this state, an individual should be eating about six small meals daily where, unquestionably, some body fat will be added.
Fiction #3: Supplements Can Undo Bad Dieting Practices
This is among the most common mistakes people make. They don't know exactly what the role of each supplement is and just end up purchasing everything in sight hoping for some sort of miracle.
Fact: Supplements have their name for good reason. Their only purpose is to accompany what you eat and not to represent your whole diet. Some people are actually known to use up to 10 different supplements throughout the day! Aside from the fact that this involves a huge amount of|quantity of money, you'll never get the outcome you could receive coming from a proper nutrition plan. As the saying goes, an excessive amount of a good thing might be harmful for you. Only use supplements to improve an already healthy diet.
What Foods to Eat When Training
1. Eggs
Eggs are probably the most rewarding food available for someone planning to add muscle. A lot of people have the tendency of only identifying eggs with cholesterol. It should be noted that this belief has been dismissed by nearly every study ever performed on the issue. It seems that most people do know that eggs certainly are an enormous supply of protein but fail to appreciate how vital they really are.
2. Greens
Greens produce an ample amount of vitamins, minerals, and fiber, all of which are crucial to your general health. When eaten every day, greens help shift your body into a more alkaline state. Our bodies are, regrettably, commonly in an acidic state because of the processed meals many of us eat. Even when we undertake a training regimen, the high amounts of protein we consume puts us within an acidic state. Constantly being in an acidic state could be quite hazardous as it can lead to all sorts of cancers and afflictions.
3. Lean Meat
Red meat actually is one of the few ways we can acquire natural creatine inside our diet plans. For those who don't know, creatine is one of the most valuable organic dietary nutrients used in the muscle building process. Whenever you buy red meat, always try to get organic because if you don't your omega balance will have the propensity of becoming unstable.
4. Quinoa
Quinoa, put simply, is one of the most advantageous complex carbohydrate you can include in an eating plan. With a protein concentration of roughly 15%, quinoa can be combined with animal protein and greens to make an excellent post-workout meal. Another benefit of quinoa is that it contains no gluten and does not carry any of the allergens seen in other grains. On top of that, quinoa functions as an excellent way to obtain calcium and vitamins.
5. Peanut Butter
Peanut butter is a treasure trove for both mono and polyunsaturated healthy fats. Not only that, but it also acts as an adequate way to attain protein. Adding peanut butter to your protein shakes will go a long way in assisting you attain an appropriate ratio of protein, carbs, and fat. It's also packed with healthy calories that will not add any extra fat. By adding peanut butter routinely into what you eat, you will likely be able to succeed in your daily calorie recommendations all while not adding unwanted carbohydrates.
It can be tiresome trying to vary your meals. If all you cook are chicken breasts you're likely to get tired of them and likely dump your diet completely. An great source of muscle building recipes is Anabolic Cooking by Dave Ruel. With nearly 200 recipes, it is the best cookbook for a determined bodybuilding diet. For more information check out a full Anabolic Cooking review.

The Bodybuilding Diet You Should Use

When you start to look into a variety of different diets today, you will run into so much information that it can be daunting to pick just one. These modern times have created so many different things that you could end up missing out on something grand, which means that in order to get something worth following you need to know what's best for your body and your needs. For instance, one of the best things that you can focus on is looking into a bodybuilding diet. Now, before you start thinking that this means you're going to be huge, and you will be in contests and what not, it doesn't necessarily mean that. The diet is about reshaping the body in a natural way so that it can develop lean, striated muscle and become more efficient in terms of burning fat.
Studies have proven that when bodybuilders start to diet, they follow the instructions that are most interesting and compelling for everyone. They first start with eating, and they only eat things that the body is going to use. That means that they are not eating a lot of extra things, they are eating protein, vegetables, and supplements. They cut out the ice cream, French fries, burgers, and many other things that many find to be fast, easy to eat, and cheap. The process requires only dietary supplements that are going to be used within the body right away. If there are things that will not help, they don't use them.
The second thing that you will find good about a bodybuilding diet is that you will exercise appropriately. That means that you will lift weights amidst cardiovascular exercise. This is a process of a well rounded option and something that you absolutely need to remember to do. You will not make gains if you're not combining diet and exercise. When you want to go to the bigger step of building larger muscle on your body, than you can stick to only lifting, but that's not the purpose of dieting like a bodybuilder or sticking to this diet plan.
Another thing to remember is that you will learn how to look at food and exercise in a new light. Most diet plans today put a negative spin on food and many are left quitting without getting any results. Don't allow yourself to give up on the goals that you have, instead, make sure that you're eating well and doing the things necessary to burn fat. Sure, you can lose weight by not eating a lot, but that's not going to last, it's only a fad that you will end up running away from when you notice the body plateaus.
For those that are skeptical, the best way to attack the issue of obesity today is to look into what is necessary to burn the fat cells in the body and create new muscle tissue. When fat dissipates, and muscle replaces it, the waistline gets smaller and life becomes a little brighter.
Are you looking for more information regarding Bodybuilding Diet? Visit today!

The Three Keys to Rapid Muscle Growth

Building muscle quickly, that's what we all want. Depending on your definition of quickly, it may be impossible. Muscle grows slowly and you are not going to pack on 20 pounds in a week, but you can maximize the rate that muscle grows and make a significant change in your physique in a matter of a few months if you go about it intelligently.
Now a quick side note about putting on muscle. We all have different body types that respond differently to training and nutrition. Sometimes people talk about the somatotypes of ectomorph, endomorph, and mesomorph. If you are an ectomorph it will take you longer to build muscle. Ectomorphs are naturally skinny and have trouble putting on any weight, but it can be done! Endomorphs are natural athletes; it's easiest for them. Mesomorphs, well, let's just say they are naturally big fat and round people, like me. Mesomorphs build muscle easier and faster than ectomorphs, but body fat is a constant challenge. I know it is with me!
Regardless of your body type, there are approaches in common that work. We can merely skim the surface in one article as numerous people have done their doctoral thesis in these areas. The three keys are: nutrition, large compound muscle exercises, and rest or recovery. Let's discuss each briefly.
Nutrition is critical! If you stick to a diet of beer, nachos, fatty breakfast sandwiches, lots of simple carbs, etc. you simply are not going to grow as rapidly as if you are eating quality protein, slowly digested carbs, and minimizing bad fats. You can still eat wonderful and tasty foods, check out the links at the end of this article, but those midnight pizzas can no longer be your mainstay!
For training, compound exercises that leave you breathless and nearly dizzy knock the entire body into a muscle growing or anabolic state need to be mainstays. Some of these are not popular because they are so tough. The two best exercises, that you should absolutely be doing to maximize muscle growth, are squats and deadlifts. For some reason these work like no others, and although squats primarily target the leg muscles and deadlifts primarily target the back muscles, they both work the majority of the body!
The third is rest. Over training is very simple if you are zealous about bodybuilding, but very counterproductive. Do not over train, and that includes all exercise, not just weight lifting. When I'm biking a lot or skiing several times a week I need to take those into account for example. I also usually alternate weeks with deadlifts and squats because they are so intense!
Much more information is available at Anabolic Muscle Cooking and also Muscle Building Exercises. Get to the gym and concentrate on large compound exercises like squats and deadlifts, eat right, and make sure you get plenty of rest and recovery and with a little dedication you will be on your way.

Building Muscle Fast - Is It Really Possible?

Trainers, magazines, supplement companies, and everyone else in the world who claims to be an expert will try to promise you that you can build muscle fast. Simply take this magic supplement, and in 30 days, you can look like Ronnie Coleman!
Not so fast chief. The guys in magazines didn't get their ripped, muscular physique by taking pills, potions, and powders. They got there because they dedicated their lives to training and working hard to get there. And even if you've been toiling in the gym for months without making the progress you think you should, with a few simple tweeks to your training you can start packing on the pounds and start shedding the disgusting fat that's hiding the muscle you do have.
What it boils down to is a few common mistakes that almost everybody in the gym makes.
1. Focussing on "small muscles"
This is number one for many reasons. By focussing too much attention on small muscles, and single-joint, isolation exercises, like curls or laterals, we aren't using enough muscle. Isolation exercises aren't bad, but think of them as the condiments rather than the meal. Instead, base your workouts on heavy compound movements like squats, presses, deadlifts, and rows. Then, after you do your "big lifts" then work some isolation exercises. Big lifts will make you stronger, thus allowing you to use heavier weights on the isolation exercises.
2. Not progressing.
I see this one a lot, most commonly on the bench press. If you are working at the same weight, week in and week out, you aren't being productive in the gym. It all boils down to adaptation. If you aren't placing enough of a stress on the body, you won't adapt. The body adapts to training stress by getting stronger, bigger, and better conditioned. The converse, however, is also true. If you don't stress the body through training, you will adapt and become weaker, slower, and fatter. Or, in the best case, you'll stay exactly the same. Instead, try adding weight in small increments each and every time you train. If you add 5 pounds to your lift every week for 10 weeks, that's 50 pounds! Now, you will eventually stall out. That's okay, it's part of the process.
Bottom line is this, you absolutely need to either add more weight, increase the amount of reps, or increase the speed in which you move the weight. The best bet will be from a combination of all three.
3. Last but not least- EAT MORE!
If you have followed steps 1 and 2, you are now placing a much higher demand on your body than you previously have before. Therefore, you must fuel your body accordingly. Getting proper quantities of protein, carbohydrates, and fats will allow you to grow muscle without adding a lot of excess body fat. Don't be like every skinny wuss out there who claims they eat so much. If you are skinny and weak, you don't eat enough. Shoot for at least 3 proper meals per day, make it a goal to get 1 gram of protein per pound of bodyweight, and add in some carbs from foods like oatmeal, potatoes, rice, and fruits and vegetables. Finally, layer in some healthy fats from olive oil, coconut oil, nuts and seeds, avocados, grassfed butter, and fish oil.
For most people who want to get bigger and stronger, this will give you ample room to grow for months, or even years to come. These steps are so simple, yet their effectiveness is unparalleled. Consistent, hard, training, combined with consistent, quality nutrition will absolutely guarantee to build more muscle faster than any supplement, shake, or the latest muscle magazine workout program.
Nate Aye is a strength coach and gym owner, as well as the founder of Man-Training. You can read more of my articles, as well as get free training tips by visiting my website:

How Well Do You Know Your Abs?

How well do you know you know your abdominal muscles? Let's get to know them. These are very important to your flexibility and stability because they are involved in virtually every movement of your body. The stronger these core abdominal muscles are the better posture you will have, the longer and harder you will be able to engage in physical activity. Here is a quick overview of the anatomy of your four ab muscles.
The rectus abdominus is the six-pack muscle that gives you good posture. The rectus abdominis connects vertically from the pubic bone up to the rib cage and breast bone. This muscle can be exercised and strengthened using the crunch exercise. Lie on you back with knees bent, then crunch slowly by contracting your rectus abdominis to lift both shoulders off the floor.
The external oblique is a flat muscle that runs diagonally from the 5th to the 12th pair of ribs to the front of the hip bone. There is a pair of external oblique muscles, one on each side of the rectus abdominis. These muscles are used when twisting your torso or bending to the side. The external oblique muscles are exercised using the twisting crunch. Lie on you back with knees bent, then crunch, lifting one shoulder only for 20 reps, then repeat with the other shoulder.
The internal oblique runs diagonally at right angles to the external oblique from the front of the hip bone to ribs five through twelve and the linea alba. The linea alba is connective tissue down the front of the abdomen that separates the left and right rectus abdominis muscles and is seen as the depression between the left and right halves of a six-pack. There are two internal oblique muscles, one on each side of the body. These muscles are also used when twisting your torso or bending to the side. The internal oblique muscles are also exercised using the twisting crunch.
The travsversus abdominis (or TVA) is the deepest muscle of the abdominal muscles as a layer below the internal oblique muscles. It runs horizontally from ribs 7 through 12, the lumbar vertebrae and top of the hip bone to the linea alba and the pubic bone. This muscle provides support to the spine and trunk. The transversus abdominis can be trained using the vacuum exercise. Lie on your back and draw your navel in twards your spine. Hold this for serveral seconds then relax. Repeat this 10 times.
Another good abdominal exercise is the plank or hover exercise. The plank position is with your toes and forearms on the floor. Your torso is raised off the floor, and is straight and rigid from your shoulders to your heels with no sagging. Keep your head relaxed and look at the floor. Hold this position for 20 seconds initially. Increase this to 60 seconds over a series of workouts.
Check out Dynamic Wellness for more tips and information on strength training and body building.

Tricep Workout To Build Bigger Arms

Here are some great tricep exercises that you can do which will add mass and help you to build bigger arms. These exercises have been created and perfected over the years by top bodybuilders, and will thicken up your entire tricep area.
Exercises which develop the triceps and promote larger muscles work by pushing something heavy away from your body. To work out the triceps, you can choose between weight machines or free weights, or both. The amount of repetitions to do is going to depend on your goals for your muscular development.
If you want to get the most out of your tricep exercises, you will want to select a weight that will allow you to follow through with the correct amount of repetitions. For tricep bulk, you will want to work three sets with four to six reps each. If, instead of bulk, you would rather have definition, then you would want to work three sets with ten to twelve reps per set.
1. Seated Dumbbell Triceps Press 
Find a dumbbell for this exercise and get seated on a bench. While resting the bottom of the dumbbell upon the right thigh, hold the weight with the right hand. Get a good grip with the left hand on the right and lift the weight above your head. Next, open up both hands and let the dumbbell rest on your palms. Now, to start, bend both of your elbows and bring the weight behind your head and stop when you feel your forearms are close to your biceps. Try not to move the upper arms during this. Then, bring the dumbbell back to the initial position, repeating this until you have completed the appropriate number of reps.
2. Single-arm Triceps Extension
Add a triangle handle to a weight machine's attachment. Put the pin where you would like to use at the machine's weight stack. First, standing at the front, lift the lower part of your right arm to the handle. Using an overhand grip, grab the it with the right hand. Keep your upper right arm close to your body. Now, to start use your right hand to push downwards straightening your arm out. Then, allow the cable slowly bring your right, lower arm to the start to finish off your rep. Continue with this action and then when you are finished with your right arm, switch to your left to finish the set off.
3. Dumbbell Triceps Kickbacks
With the right hand, grab a dumbbell and position your arm next to your right leg. Make sure your fingers are facing inward. Stand over a bench, and leaning over, put the left hand at the top. Now position the left knee at the lower part on the bench. Make sure that the upper right portion of your arm is even with the ground while allowing the lower arm to hang downward. To begin this exercise, angle the right arm from the elbow while lifting the weight in the air behind you while straightening your arm. Keeping the upper arm in place, bring the weight back to the starting point to end the rep. Continue to do this until you have achieved the right amount of reps. When you have finished that, change positions so you can work the left arm to end the set.
Addisson Patrick is a writer for, where readers can find the best information on health, fitness and many things in between. He is an expert with years of experience in health and fitness.