Top Ways To Improve Your Muscle Performance

Sports buffs and bodybuilders desire to be the best at their peak. They train hard in order to achieve the ideal state of their body inside and out. With physical hard work comes exhaustion and dehydration among other results. This is why nutritional supplements are recommended on top of the usual diet of these fitness buffs.
Both sportsmen and bodybuilders require muscle power in order to meet the physical demands of their activities. Whether they are in or out of the gym and sports arena, these guys need the ideal regimen to support their day-to-day activities.
Here are some of the things you can do to ensure better and improved muscle performance in and out of the gym:
[1] Pre-workout regimen
Many bodybuilders know the benefits of pre-workout especially in building muscles. This is the kick-starter activity that promotes energy and prepares the body for other activities of the day. Sportsmen need pre-workout to prevent muscle spasms and improve endurance. Fitness buffs also include proper supplements to boost their energy throughout the day; thus, enabling them to perform at their best without losing muscle mass and energy in the evening.
[2] Balanced and nutritious diet
It is never enough to just follow an exercise regimen especially if you are building muscle mass. Intake of protein-rich food is vital in building muscle and strength. Cutting carbs and sugary stuff is essential to achieve a lean body, so you can perform better and feel better during and after every workout.
Some bodybuilders also cut their intake of salty food to prevent fast dehydration during workouts. Salt can dehydrate the body and may cause heart and kidney diseases if taken in high amounts. So, eating more fresh vegetables and fruits, as well as intake of high-fiber protein shakes with only natural flavorings are beneficial in all aspects.
[3] Choosing the right exercises
There are virtually numerous exercises you can do in order to build muscles, improve energy and endurance. Your trainer can develop a specific weight training program that will help you achieve this goal in the shortest possible time. But also remember the standard fitness training that still exists in many gyms. Push-ups, dead lifts, squats, and cardio exercises are still popular especially to those who want to lose fat and develop a lean body.
[4] Taking proper nutritional supplements
Many pros in the sports and bodybuilding arenas believe that it takes three important components in building the perfect body. Two of them have been mentioned already, being diet and exercise. The third component is supplementation since this is the element that bridges the gaps that exercise and diet cannot completely provide.
For muscle-building and energy improvement, there are specific nutritional products to choose from based on your body's needs. Providing balanced nutrients will allow you to build, repair, and recover muscle mass without losing energy or experiencing fatigue. These nutritional supplements are developed for such purposes and there are plenty of them to choose from.
So, with the help of your trainer, you will be able to find the right elements based on your specific workout and dietary needs. And of course, you will need discipline in order to gradually improve and maintain your ideal physique.
If you've always wanted to improve your energy, endurance and muscle mass, Extend supplement is the best option. For more info, view Nutritionwarehouse here.

5 Body Building Secrets To Bigger And Stronger Muscles

The perfect bodybuilding program that matches your requirements may be difficult to find. But, there are plenty of muscle building programs out there that can be slightly modified to your needs and work just fine. One of the best muscle building programs that has been devised by fitness instructor Jason Feruggia. This program is intended to help people to build up lean muscle mass.
Set Goals
A good muscle building program helps you lay out a road map to help you reach your goals. If you do not set goals it is difficult to maintain interest and you might easily give it all up. So, if you are serious about your muscle building then set a goal.
Eat Right
The right program on body building will not just focus on exercises you need to do. It will also give you valuable inputs on your diet and right type of foods to eat. When you are serious about building muscles you need to feed your body the right type of food like proteins and carbs to help your muscles grow. Starving the body of nutrients will serve absolutely no purpose and you will even lose any muscles you might have as the body is actively looking for nutrition to heal and repair the muscles damaged during the hard work out sessions.
Importance Of Rest
The bodybuilding program should also stress on proper rest. Working out is good but, over working is not. The muscles need time to heal, to repair and to grow. All this happens only when you give the body rest. If you are all the time working the muscles they become tired, unable to work to their full capacity and suffer fatigue. This also makes them vulnerable to injury and damage to the body.
Information Overload
Yes, too much information can be overwhelming causing some people to just give up. So, take small parts of the program and focus on understanding it and following it. It should take maximum of a week to understand the whole program. Another thing is that if you are very clear about your goals and what you want achieve you can focus on the aspects of the program that are relevant to you and leave the rest for later.
Get Started
Don't get bogged down by all the details in any workout program. If you do you will never start. Instead make a small start and keep working at it one day at a time and soon you will understand what needs to be done and how. Just get into the gym and start working out.
There are dozens of professionals out there who will willing to help if you are willing to help yourself. Don't worry about not being perfect the first time. As you do things you will learn to correct mistakes and become perfect over time. A good gym instructor will help you correct any mistakes you might make.
Following a program like Jason Ferrugia's Muscle Gaining Secrets helps in a number of ways.
  • First, it sets out the right path to success.
  • Second, it helps you formulate a plan of action for your goals.
  • Third, it helps you understand the dynamics of exercise, diet and rest.
  • Fourth, it makes you stick to the plan which is key to achieving your goals.

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Losing Fat Where It Counts - Rock Hard Abs

There are a lot of different ways to get rid of unwanted fat on your body, but focusing on where it matters most for a guy is the most important aspect of getting in shape. Sure, you could have nice arms, legs, and chest, but if you have a belly, you're not going to attract others or even look that good. It's for that reason that it's imperative to focus on getting hard abs that are defined and well proportioned. It's not an impossible thing to get a good body, especially in these modern times, where there are a million and one options that you can go through to get in shape. If you're serious about losing weight and you want to get sculpted in a manner that will get you a lot of attention, the following tips should help you get there fast.
First and foremost, make sure that you get plenty of cardiovascular exercise. This will help you in the long term, as it will allow you to gain more lung capacity, endurance, and performance that will not subside in the long term. Getting to that place is crucial to your long term success. Start with something simple, run for a mile a day, or keep trying to get to a mile and then increase slightly over time. Don't run a marathon and don't push yourself to where you're getting injured, instead, focus on building resistance and train towards getting more. If you can run for an hour, you're doing great, so keep that in mind.
Aside from getting your cardio in, make sure that you focus on lifting weights as well. Take every other day away from your running routine to lift moderate weights. Don't go overboard here, simply get some training in with whatever machinery you can get a hold of, or invest in a dumbbell set. If you don't have any money but still want to work out, do simple things like pushups, as that will mimic the lifting portion of many workouts. Pushups force you to fight gravity and push your body weight upwards, which can be beneficial in the long term.
The above things have been well rounded to take effect in time, but if you want to focus on your abs, you'll have to add pieces into your workout that focuses on them all the time. This means that when you're not in the gym, you should be flexing and doing small things to increase the abdominal pressure to burn fat. This may sound hard at first, but you can easily start this by watching television. During any breaks, do sit ups, crunches and little exercises that will push your abdominal area to flex and contract. If you do this enough, over time, combined with the aforementioned things, you will in fact gain lean definition and get the body you want. The key is not necessarily any given option, it's consistency. Be consistent with your workouts and you will end up getting results in as little as a couple of weeks. IN a month you could even see tremendous changes.
Are you looking for more information regarding on Losing Fat? Visit today!

Concentrating on Getting Lean Muscle

For most men, the trouble areas of their body isn't the extremities or anything like that. It's the core that has the issue and that can manifest in a tremendous amount of ways. First and foremost, you may find that the stomach and belly hangs over the waistline of the pants, and the beer gut that so many are proud of, is not helpful in a lot of situations. If you want to look your best and you want to get lean muscle, and rock hard abs, you'll want to stick to a few tips and tricks that will isolate the area and get you lean and proportioned. You don't want to only work out one area, as that will only give you one big inflated option, and that's not conducive to long term healthy living.
The first thing that you have to do in order to gain a good amount of weight loss, specifically pure belly fat is to start eating better. This may sound rudimentary, but it's something that most people don't want to address because they assume that they will have to eat nothing but leaves and fruit. That's not true at all. Eating well is a matter of changing the lifestyle to have more good foods, whole foods, things that are not derived from fast food restaurants or come out of a microwave. Changing these things up is a simple as looking into options that will allow you to get the most flavor and nutrients from food items without having to sacrifice taste. Try this out, and go healthy for a short time, you'll understand why it's imperative.
After you've changed your lifestyle of eating, you'll want to look into exercising more often. If you already have a routine, break it to include something better. You want to make sure that you're focusing on alternating your workouts and focusing on muscle building as well as fat loss. The first thing that you want to set up is a goal, a goal that will allow you to reach something grand. First, start with running a mile, and get to a point where you don't get too tired. Once you can run a full mile within a span of 8 to 10 minutes without breaking much of a sweat, try to beat your time. This will help you get endurance and lung capacity which will translate into better results for the next step.
If you do the above things, you are ready to learn about the abdominal areas. You'll want to do crunches, sit ups, and workout the abs all the time. Isolate them when you're not doing anything, like watching television, or simply have 15 minutes to kill while waiting for someone. If you simply flex, do crunches, and work out for at least 15 minutes at a time every now and again, you will see results fast.
The key to all of this is to combine different elements of healthy living into a routine that is not complicated. The easier things are, the more likely you are to keep up with them, so that's why it's crucial to look into the aforementioned for the future of sculpting your body as well as your mind.
Are you looking for more information regarding on Getting Lean Muscle? Visit today!

How HIIT Workouts Help for Muscle Definition

Muscle definition requires that you burn fat and that means you need a good cardiovascular exercise. High intensity interval training (HIIT) is a new exercise program that combines bursts of high-intensity activity with recovery periods that works your cardiovascular system. This is far better than conventional cardiovascular exercise where you perform the workout for a long period of time.
There are several advantages to HIIT. Firstly, the amount of time that is takes you to do the exercise is about 40% less than your normal cardiovascular workout time. This enables you to get the exercise done in about 30 minutes. Another advantage is that your body will continue to burn calories long after your have completed your workout, unlike a normal cardio workout where your body just burns calories during the exercise and for a short time after.
Since a HIIT workout is so fast paced and intensive you stay focused and do not become bored as in a longer duration conventional cardiovascular exercise.
Another benefit of HIIT is that it will increase both your aerobic and anaerobic endurance. Your aerobic energy delivery system involves the transport of oxygen from outside the body to the cells within muscle tissues, and is also the metabolic process by which oxygen reacts with glycogen in the cells to produce energy, water and carbon dioxide. The body normally uses aerobic respiration for its energy needs, but when the body is engaged in intense physical activity the oxygen delivery to the cells may be insufficient for aerobic respiration to occur, so anaerobic respiration takes place.
Anaerobic energy delivery occurs when the level of exertion is such that there is insufficient oxygen present for aerobic respiration to occur. This is called the anaerobic threshold and is the point at which anaerobic respiration starts to occur as glycogen in the muscle cells is converted to energy and lactic acid without the use of oxygen. The intense intervals of a HIIT workout drive the muscles into using the anaerobic energy delivery system which improves your stamina.
There several different exercises that can be used for a HIIT workout including running on a treadmill, using a rowing machine, sprinting, or swimming. Try sprinting for about 30 seconds then walk for about 60 seconds to recover and then repeat this cycle about 10 times. Remember to do about 5 minutes of warmup and stretching before and after.
Using a stationary rowing machine is another great way of getting a full body workout. Start with between 3 and 5 minutes of light rowing to warmup. Then 60 seconds of hard flat out rowing, followed by a recovery period of 60 seconds of light rowing. Repeat this cycle of a hard rowing interval then light rowing interval about 10 times. Finally cool down with 3 to 5 minutes of light rowing. With a rowing machine you can monitor your progress by checking your split times for the intense interval and for the recovery interval. The split time is average time to row 500 m and is labelled av/500m on a rowing machine. This is an indication of the power of each stroke, in other words how hard the rower has pulled.
Get started on HIIT workouts and you will soon notice improved muscle definition.
Check out the Dynamic Wellness program for more great tips on building great muscle building.

No Pain, No Gain - The Biggest Fitness Myth

Without a doubt, you should extend yourself during your workout as this will allow you to increase the amount of exercising endurance that you have. However, those who live by the mantra that you have to have muscle pain afterwards are simply in error.
While a little discomfort can be natural, you should not be in pain. Exercise should not hurt. If it does, it could indicate that a muscle injury has occurred. This is not to say that a person who is just starting to exercise will not experience some soreness after their workout.
Although physical therapists and doctors have tried to debunk this myth, there are those who still push themselves harder when they feel pain because they think it is the right thing to do. The television show 'MythBusters' has even taken on this myth because so many believe it. While a workout should not be painful, they should still pose a challenge. When workouts hurt, you will have a harder time staying motivated to keep up with your fitness plan.
Muscles That Are Building Up Lactic Acid Cause Soreness
Delayed-onset muscles soreness, or DOMS for short, is the soreness you feel a day or so after exercising. Some people believe erroneously that this soreness is caused by a build up of lactic acid in the muscles. This believe came from the fact that muscles create energy for anaerobical contractions, meaning without oxygen, when intense exercising is taking place.
While it is true that this process leads to the production of lactic acid, however, it has been proven that the lactic acid created dissipates shortly after the exercising is complete. This happens before soreness in the muscles presents itself. This process of lactic acid creation does not take place in exercises such as jogging or walking because the energy produced with these activities use oxygen.
The soreness that is felt in the days following exercising, especially for those new to working out in the gym, is caused by the muscles tearing as they are being used. These microscopic tears can cause the muscles to become inflamed and sore. Although this sounds negative, this damage is needed in order for the muscles to gain size and strength. Because muscles contain protein filaments that shorten and contract, your body builds new stronger and healthier tissues when it repairs itself. The way to gain more strength and bigger muscles is to increase the amount of weights used during training.
An important step in avoiding tired and sore muscles is to start slowly and to build up your fitness program slowly. Overextending your workout before your body is physically ready can be a painful mistake. There is nothing wrong with working out every other day to avoid extreme soreness as you are getting used to your workout program. Another good idea is to alternate your fitness program. If you usually work out with weights, take a break and walk on the treadmill instead. Not only will this help your muscles, it will also help to keep you from becoming bored with your exercise routine.
A workout program that does not bore you or make you miserable is a program that you can stick to for the long haul of your health.
Addisson Patrick is a writer for, where readers can find the best information on health, fitness and many things in between. He is an expert with years of experience in health and fitness.

Build a Bigger Chest Fast

In order to get a stubborn chest to grow, you must take a different approach then normal. Simply training the chest one or two times a week simply will not work. You really need to blitz the chest hard and give no other choice but to grow. In this article I will show you exactly how to do just that.
The most important thing to help build up the lagging chest would be to increase the overall volume that we are doing for the chest. Increasing the overall volume will also work well for any lagging body part. Since we really want to shock the chest I recommend training it every single day of the week. That may seem like a lot, but this is how to ensure that the chest will get blitzed and be required to grow bigger. As far as exercises, sets, and reps are concerned, I recommend simply doing a total of one hundred pushups every day. It doesn't matter how many per set you do, or when you do the pushups. Just make sure that you do one hundred pushups every single day. If you are able to be consistent with this and do it for a month straight, then you will definitely see some noticeable results. Realistically you should gain anywhere from half an inch up to a full inch on your chest, which is huge if you have trouble getting it to grow.
The reason why this works so well is because by working your chest out every day, you are helping to shuttle all of the blood and nutrients into the chest. These extra nutrients and blood will help to stimulate more growth in the chest. This is also why increasing the total volume for any body part works so well. I also advise that you continue to do your normal chest exercises in your workout as well. By continuing to do the heavy dumbbell and bench press exercises, you won't lose any strength in your chest. These additional exercises could also help to spur on even more growth in the chest.
At the end of the day, the biggest determining factor of finally getting your chest to grow will be your dedication and consistency over the next month. Do one hundred pushups over the next month and don't miss a single day. Do them with your normal chest workouts, and I promise that you will be blown away by the end result.
If you truly want a better looking body, then must visit this site immediately. Get your hands on the best workout program that will be a great addition to this chest blitz described above. Click Here

How to Grow a Bigger Butt If You're Flat

If you're trying to achieve a curvy figure or a bigger butt, it is likely that you are an ectomorph. Of the three body types, ectomorph, endomorph and mesomorph, the ectomorph is the leanest. "Low fat genetics" or "low muscle genetics" are usually associated with this body type.
Muscle genetics
If you have low muscle genetics, it is very easy to overtain your muscles. If you overtrain your muscles, or if you pay no attention to nutrition whatsoever, you might be causing your muscles, and therefore you bum, to get even smaller. This is known as the catabolic state. It's a state that your body enters during or right after exercise. If your workout takes long enough for your body to run out of energy, you'll enter the catabolic state and your body will begin to break down muscle tissue in order to make up for this lack of energy. If you're trying to lose weight, this wouldn't be much a problem, since you'll burn a lot of fat in this state as well. However, if your goal is to gain a bigger bum, you wouldn't want this. After all, we want our bodies togain weight.
Now, ectomorphs who have trouble gaining weight or trying to achieve a curvy figure don't necessarily have "actual" low muscle genetics. It's genetics for a high metabolism, that results in difficultly gaining mass. When you have a high metabolism and you do not eat enough fats (healthy ones), you're much more likely to constantly be living in a catabolic state where you're always burning fat and muscle and never achieving any curvy figure. So, we get to the rules.
1. Do NOT work out for longer than 45 minutes.
If you're only concerned with the bum area, even 25 minutes is plenty.
The reason why you should not do this, is to avoid entering the catabolic state, and to avoid damaging the muscles beyond the point where it can effectively recover within 48 hours (the next workout). Your exercise needs to be short, but heavy. And don't worry, "heavy" sounds scary, but it's not nearly as troublesome as it sounds. Just a few intensive sets before you move on with your day.
2. Don't do exhausting cardio.
Stick to strength training. For the same reason as the above: avoid entering a catabolic state. Running, cycling, all those activities will have you lose weight, and therefore lose butt.
3. Have a nutritious meal ready for right after training.
Do not wait too long to take in carbs (preferably fruits or juices) and sufficient amounts of protein after your workout. Catabolic state ensues when energy runs out. Hence, don't drain all your energy by working out for too long, and when you finish, replenish as soon as possible!
4. Try not to run out of energy at all: eat plenty of healthy fats and proteins
Eat a lot of good fats, such as avocado, olive oil, coconut. Why fats? Fats take longer to break down, and contain more energy per gram than proteins and carbs do. Taking healthy fats in fair amounts throughout the entire day, provides you with a steady source of energy that prevents you from entering any butt burning catabolic state. So while the fats take care of energy needs for daily activities, the intake of proteins will make sure that your muscle keeps growing.
5. If you're not an ectomorph
If you're not an ectomorph, but simply someone with a flat butt, you're probably a case of "lazy butt syndrome". What this basically means, is that your neuromuscular system functions in such a way that the glutes are recruited to a lesser extent than they should be during movements where glutes are involved. In this case, even if you squat, you will still not be recruiting enough of the glutes to produce a serious impulse for butt growth.
How can you fix this? (Even if you are an ectomorph, the tips below will still benefit your bum growth results, so by all means follow them.)
1. First of all, make sure you're only doing exercises that you KNOW to involve glute activity. Such as squats, deadlifts, lunges.
2. When you do these exercises, be absolutely sure to squeeze the glutes at the end of the contraction part of the movement. People without lazy glute syndrome don't have to focus on doing this consciously, they're doing it enough already. You on the other hand, have to make up for the fact that your bum isn't recruited automatically. Therefore: squeeze. The more you do this, the more you will learn to recruit your bum automatically during daily functions as well, improving growth even more.
3. Try to finish the entire movement. You need to go low enough, and you also need to complete the movement when standing back up (usually, this is where you squeeze).
4. After exercise, stretch the lower body, especially the glutes.
If you follow these tips, along with a decent workout program specifically tailored to your goals, you will be sure to pack on meat!
Also visit my website about bum implants and natural methods to get your butt growing quickly. Additional information on the subject can be found here.
Thank you for reading this article.

Consider This Before Your Next Workout

What exercises should I do today?
How much weight should I use?
Should I do bodyweight exercises or weight training exercises?
Should I do cardio before I workout?
Should I do cardio after I workout?
There is a good chance that you have asked yourself some of these questions at some point or another before heading to the gym. They are all viable questions to be asking, but even after you answer those questions there is still one major factor that you need to consider before you can even think to begin your workout.
Is your head on board with what you are doing or what you are about to do?
If the answer to that question is not a big fat 'yes' then there is a good chance that your workout is going to come up short of its goal.
In recent weeks some of the 'meatheads' (guys that look like they have been lifting their entire lives) have been running into some plateaus on their workout programs preventing them from moving any closer to their goals.
On the other hand, there are a few guys in the gym that seem to defy the laws of physics when it comes to their workouts.
An individual just two weeks ago attempted to do three repetitions of power cleans at a weight of 225-pounds.
The individual was able to do all three repetitions so he moved on to his next set at 235-pounds.
He got all three repetitions at 235-pounds, so he moved up to 245-pounds at which point he only achieved on rep due in part to his hands were having a hard time hanging onto the bar.
Now, that was not the incredible feat that this article is depicting. The incredible feat is that this article is eluding to is that same individual was able to do 25-power cleans at 225-pounds in a row just two weeks after doing that weight for the first time.
How did he do it?
After interviewing him he said that he 'told himself that he could and was going to do it.'
You read that correctly, he simply told himself that he could do it and he went and did it.
If you think about it that is the only explanation as to why we can or cannot accomplish our weight-lifting goals in the gym. So many of us cannot jump over that mental hurdle keeping us from reaching farther than we ever have before.
The fact of the matter is that the guy at the gym was always able to do 25-power cleans at 225-pounds all along his brain just did not know it.
The next time you find yourself at the gym asking yourself those questions at the beginning of this article do not forget to ask yourself if your head is on board.
The mind is the most powerful tool in the body and the only way that you will be able to reach your goals is if it is fully aware of what that goal is and what it takes to get there.
If you found this article to be helpful then check out Eating To Lose for more free information on dieting, nutrition, fitness, and lifestyle as it relates to your physical goals. There is even a free plan there to help you get started.