Quick Ways to Build Muscles

The best way to gain muscle mass is the basic exercises. You should make about 3 - 4 basis exercises per workout with 2-3 sets each (no more). I advise you to do 8-12 reps per set. Also do not forget the need to constantly change your set, as the body adapts to the load very quickly.

Bench press
This is the most basic exercise. Typically, it is advisable to start training with it. Bench allows you to work with fairly large weights and thus intensively stimulate the growth of muscle fibers.

Technique of performance: in the original position, you should lie on the bench; the neck should be positioned slightly above the shoulder girdle. The grip should be no wider than 80 centimeters. Slowly lower the bar, trying to diverge your elbows as much as possible. Tap the neck at the middle of the chest and then begin a reverse movement. The exercise is best performed without a pause at the bottom point. Lifting the barbell at the initial point should be somewhat abrupt. You should make inhale at the top point and then exhale at the peak of the upward movement. Do not bend the wrist! The movement of the barbell should be directed strictly upwards and only at the end of the movement you can put it a little to your head. A lowering should be performed exactly at the right angle. For the best impact on the muscles you should change the width of the grip.

Dumbbell bench press on a flat bench
The main difference between this bench press and a traditional bench press with a barbell is that using dumbbells, you can better stretch your muscles and develop a greater tension at them. Since the hands are working independently, you need to do more to balance and coordinate movements. Experimenting with different rotations of the hands, you can load different muscles.

Technique of performance: hold dumbbells at the shoulders' width, palms should look toward your feet. Start pressing dumbbells up. During the movement keep your elbows in a position comfortable for you. At the top point strain your pectoral muscles additionally then slowly lower the weight back to its original position with a controlled movement.

Bench press on incline bench
Many recommend doing this exercise on the Smith machine, which allows you to use more weight and not worry that the barbell will lead forward or backward. I personally do it with the usual bars, or in other words, with free weights. Correctly performed bench press in the slope promotes weight gain at the upper chest.
Technique of performance: use a bench with an angle of 40-45 degrees. Grasp the neck with a medium (or a wide) grip and slowly lower the bar right close to the clavicle. This will develop much better intensity than sinking on the chest as well as it allows to stretch muscles better. Keeping the muscles tense, your should squeeze the bar to its original position. The breathing is the same as in the bench pressing.

Dumbbell bench press at the upwards inclined bench
This is a great exercise for the upper chest. Using dumbbells, you achieve a greater stretch at the bottom point of the movement and better tension at the top. At the same time the weight is moving through a much longer trajectory, more muscle fibers are involved in the work and the muscles increase in size faster.
Technique of performance: you should take a dumbbell in each hand and lay back on an inclined (45 degrees) bench. In order to achieve the full muscle contraction and the maximum exclusion of the shoulders from the work you should grasp with your palms facing inwards. As an alternative, you can use the grip with your hands facing the feet (I had been using it even more frequently). At the bottom point the elbows should be in a natural position and the wrists should be perpendicular to the floor. Your should squeeze the dumbbells up until it touches, contract your chest muscles as much as possible. The amplitude of the motion should be the maximum and the break should be small.

Bench pressing at downwards-inclined bench
This exercise allows you to efficiently build the bottom part of the chest. I advice you to perform this exercise with a partner who will help you to remove / raise the bar. Otherwise, the work "on all cylinders" can lead to sad consequences.

Technique of performance: make this bench press with the same technology as the standard bench press.

Pulling dumbbells apart at the position lying
This exercise is working out the chest in a stretched state; the greatest tension is achieved when the hands are apart. Pulling dumbbells apart is the great exercise for "finishing off" the breast.

Technique of performance: you should take a medium weight dumbbell in each hand and lay yourself back on the bench. At the initial position your arms should be straightened over the chest, palms turned inwards. Slowly pull the hands apart lowering the dumbbells. Elbows should be slightly bent. Your should lower it until you feel that the pectoral muscles are stretched. You should perform the exercise carefully controlling your technique; do not lower the weight below a comfortable level. After you have pulled the hands apart to their maximum and the pectoral muscles become stretched return the weight to the starting position. You should strain pectoral muscle at the top point of the movement.

This is an excellent exercise for "finishing off" the chest. It also gives a more "distinct" form to the bottom chest.
Technique of performance: you should grasp the handles attached to the upper blocks, and stand exactly in the middle, and then take a step forward. This is the initial position. You can put one foot behind the other for better stabilization of the body. Bend yourself forward at an angle of about 10-15 degrees, hold the wrists in front of you, palms should look at each other. Lower the weights letting them to fully stretch the chest. From this position with a strong effort of pectoral muscles bring the handles together trying not to change the angle of bend of the elbows. Depending on what you prefer, you can put the handles together at the hips' or at the abs' level.

It does not matter if you have a skinny genetics. Now you can change your life, become much more attractive for opposite sex and have respect among your friends with simple exercises which will form your word-class body. Find how at [http://www.gain-weight-tips.com/]
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Alexander_Barreler

Fantastic Physique Photos - Tips For Taking Great Bodybuilding Pictures

Most aspirant or established bodybuilders take a lot of pictures of themselves during their quest for the perfect body. This is not a sure sign of narcissism though as these photos will be an excellent graphic record of progress during various stages of the process. It makes a lot of sense then to invest in the best photographic equipment one can afford at an early stage and also to spend a bit of time perfecting the techniques needed to take good solo bodybuilding pictures.

These points are often neglected, a fact amply demonstrated by the masses of really bad self taken bodybuilding pictures one sees. Bodybuilding is a sport that's success is judged visually, both on stage and in pictorial form. If, for example, the venue lighting is bad on the day of a contest, contestants are going to have a hard time getting the maximum visual impact across in their routines. They may be seen clearly, but if the lighting is too muted or harsh and not placed correctly, muscle definition may be far less apparent and poses not as effective.

The same principles apply to shooting your own bodybuilding pictures. You are going to be spending a huge amount of time, effort and money on your sport so it is senseless to neglect the photographic component of your equipment. Fortunately it's not necessary to spend thousands on a studio grade setup. Digital cameras are getting better and cheaper each year and it's possible to get an intermediate level digital with good optics and high megapixel sensor for a very reasonable price. The only other critical item in a basic photographic setup is a tripod. Again, really good examples can be had at prices that won't decimate your bank balance.

Let's start by looking at camera choices. This, being the core of your photographic equipment, should be the absolute best example you can afford. In today's environment it doesn't make much sense investing in a film camera (if you can still find one that is). Digitals simply offer so many advantages that they represent the only serious option when considering camera choices. Always try and stay with the big names as optic and component quality is usually better as is the after sales service. Brand names such as Nikon, Canon, Sony, Pentax, Olympus and Konica Minolta are always safe choices. Kodak, HP, Panasonic and FujiFilm also make decent cameras. One feature that would be a definite plus in a camera is a remote. This will allow for a lot of flexibility when shooting solo bodybuilding pictures.

 Photography is making magic with light. Lighting is possibly the most important factor in any photographic genre, and particularly so in taking bodybuilding pictures where muscle definition is so critical in creating visual impact. Again it's not necessary to break the bank. Any fairly intense, directable light source will get the job done. For best results try and get two separate light sources set up at approximately 45° to your pose position and situated behind the point were you are going to set up your camera. Try to avoid using flash unless you have a flash diffuser as flash tends to wash out too much subtle detail. Remember that a high light position will emphasise shadow at the bottom of the muscle structure while a lower position will do the same for the lower abs but also possible detract from your chest.

Your camera should always be placed on a tripod to avoid any blurring that will play havoc with definition in your shots. If you have a portable, full length mirror it helps to place it almost directly behind the camera so that you adjust you poses for maximum effect. Just remember to look directly at the camera again before taking the shot. Keep unnecessary clutter out of the background that can detract from you as the focal point. This is especially true of items that could possibly cause a bout of blushing at a later stage!

Personal preparation for taking bodybuilding pictures should include the following points:
  1. Body hair should be removed as it detracts from muscle definition in bodybuilding pictures.
  2. Try to avoid eating for approximately an hour before you take the pictures. A recent meal will distend your stomach and ruin your profile.
  3. Pump before you shoot, and no, that's not XXX grade movie advice either. A short workout prior to taking the pictures will increase blood flow and muscle volume.
  4. Skin tone and highlights are essential in showcasing muscle development in bodybuilding pictures. Concentrate on maintaining a good tan and oil up to increase highlights. This will really define your muscle mass.
  5. Practice good pose. Suck in that gut and keep you back straight or slightly arched back. When applying tension try to make it look effortless and smile! No war faces here.
Once the pictures are taken you can use software to edit the results if you can and are so inclined. Skin blemishes can miraculously disappear and lighting and exposure adjusted to maximise the effect. Superimposing Mel Gibson's face is not on though!It is impossible to briefly cover all the different techniques and settings that can be applied to get great results in bodybuilding pictures. Experience will quickly teach you how to maximise the results though and if you use the preceding tips you'll soon be able to build a flattering portfolio.

Want to know where you can find about Beginner Bodybuilding Must-Knows, like bodybuilding pictures [http://www.bodybuilding4all.com] and muscle definition [http://www.bodybuilding4all.com/body/] - Just visit bodybuilding4all.com
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Malc_Moore

7 Things You Have To Know Before Choosing Bodybuilding As A Career!

Are you having problems gaining the serious muscle you want to? Are you working out a lot with little changes to your body? Want to get that ripped look men and women will envy and desire with a goal of becoming a pro bodybuilder? This article will reveal seven things you have to know if you are thinking about becoming a professional bodybuilder whilst on your way to building your ultimate physique.

1. Earning Your Pro Card
In order to become a professional bodybuilder, you must first earn your Pro Card. A bodybuilder looking to do this must first win a regional contest weight class.

When a bodybuilder wins or places highly they earn an invite to compete at their country's National Championships contest for that year. The winners of each weight class at the National Championships will then go head to head in a separate contest to see who is the overall champion for the year.

Depending on the federation, the overall Champion will be offered a pro card. Some federations offer pro cards to winners of individual weight class champions. This can mean that each year more than one bodybuilder may earn a Pro Card.

2. Membership
Qualification as a professional may require membership of a professional bodybuilding organization such as the IFBB (The International Federation of Bodybuilders). Many Natural Bodybuilding organizations such as the INBF (International Natural Bodybuilding & Fitness Federation), NPA (Natural Physique Association) and NANBF (North American Natural Bodybuilding Federation) also have professional ranks.

3. Income
It is possible, though difficult except at the highest level, to earn a reasonable income purely from competition winnings. It is more likely that a particular athlete will be sponsored by local companies and supplement manufacturers. Many bodybuilders use their new found fame and knowledge to pursue business ventures such as higher level personal training, or opening their own fitness centers. Guest posing and appearances also support income.

4. Work Harder Than Anyone You Know
If you do, everything else that is meant to be will follow. If you focus is only on becoming a pro bodybuilder, then you are not approaching the sport properly. The core of bodybuilding is not about achievement in a public forum, such as on a bodybuilding stage. It is about the private sense of accomplishment you get in achieving your goals, whether you're in the gym or on a stage.

5. Learn To Be Smart
At the gym, learn to be smart about your training. Go there to work, not for recreational purposes. Determine ahead of time what your workout will be for that day and stick to it, making modifications only for logical reasons. Apply the same standards to your nutrition. Decide ahead of time what you will eat throughout the day and adhere to that plan.
Don t skip meals. Don't indulge in gluttonous behaviour that will negatively impact your physique.

6. Do You Have The Necessary Genetics?
If you have the desire to compete, prepare for a competition as if you are a professional bodybuilder. Through perseverance and feedback from the judges, you will be able to determine if you are lucky enough to have the necessary genetics.

7. The Odds Of Attaining Professional Status
Above all, put as much effort into your education as you put into your training and nutrition. Too many young guys pursue a pro career without having a backup plan. The odds of attaining professional status, let alone making a comfortable living at it, are remote at best. But if you want to be a professional bodybuilder, you have to approach bodybuilding with a professional attitude.

Although passion is important, you must also have the self-awareness and logic to accurately assess your own chances of success. If you do, you will be a professional.

Your ultimate body is within reach providing you follow the proven principles in this article. Muscle building is not a pipe dream or only for those with the perfect genetic makeup. Use these strategies and very soon you will experience the private sense of accomplishment whether you're in the gym or on a stage.

Ian Burgess has put together a complementary report on bodybuilding for quick muscle growth that will help you solve your muscle gaining problem quickly and permanently. To access it instantly please visit http://www.quickmusclegrowth.com
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Ian_M_Burgess

The Specifics of Bodybuilding Workouts for Women

When doing bodybuilding workouts for women, the aim is to tone muscles in order to achieve a healthy and toned physique. Most women aren't into bodybuilding to bulk up but to go for that streamlined, athletic look seen on sports magazine covers or famous athletes. Even First Lady Michelle Obama is known for her well-defined upper arms, which is part of why she looks great in practically anything.

Bodybuilding workouts for women specifically target the arms, legs, thighs, rear, chest and stomach areas to create leaner muscles. In order to do this successfully, good training programs set different exercises for women to do when focusing on a certain part of the body. This makes the exercise regimen more orderly and molds discipline, yielding better results is less time. Here is a sample for one week of training where cardio and strength exercises are mixed up to work for each body part involved.

Day 1 - Strength training for the legs. After proper warm-ups, you can start your weekly bodybuilding workouts for women by targeting your quadriceps, hamstrings and calves. These may be in the form of freehand jump squats, dumbbell lunges and dumbbell squats, dumbbell deadlifts, lying leg curls, standing calf raises and leg presses. The approximate number of sets for each is 3 of 12-15 reps per set. Rest for around 30 seconds to a minute in between sets to allow your muscles to recover.

Day 2 - Strength training for the chest and triceps.The second day goes for your pectorals, abs and triceps. These include pushups, the incline dumbbell press, dips for triceps, machine bench press, butterfly, cable rope overhead triceps extension, ab roller and the decline crunch. Again, 3 sets of 12-15 reps with brief rest periods in between.

Day 3 - Cardio.After doing some stretches, do around 20 minutes on the treadmill, which is a moderate cardio workout. This immediately follows 2 days of heavy weight training so that your body has enough time to recuperate. Doing marathon workouts is not healthy nor will it do anything for your muscles.

Day 4 - Strength training for the back and biceps. Again, these exercises are in 3 sets of 12-15 reps each, rest periods in between. This aspect of bodybuilding workouts for women tones your back and biceps through butt lifts, lat pulldowns, bent-arm dumbbell pullovers, one-arm dumbbell and lying t-bar rows, hyperextensions for the back and dumbbell bicep curls.

Day 5 - Strength training for the shoulders.Apart from the shoulders, the abs are also targeted, 3 sets each of 12-15 reps. Don't forget to rest in between sets. Exercises here include military presses, external rotation, push press, back flyes with bands, butt-ups and knee or hip raises on parallel bars.

Day 6 -Cardio.As before, do your stretches. This is a more relaxed day of moderate cardio. Do 20 minutes on the stationary bike then get some much-deserved rest.

Day 7 - Full rest.You've had a full week of working out and your muscles are in dire need of some recovery time. Get plenty of sleep, hydrate, prepare and cook meals, go over your progress and don't forget to stretch or do some yoga so your body doesn't entirely forget that it's in the middle of training.

Following given bodybuilding workouts for women like these are guaranteed to give you excellent results, coupled with the proper diet. For more information, you can always visit the links listed here, as there's never too much of a good thing!

Linda S Barker takes pride in all the women she has helped achieved their dream physique by giving them a firm foundation of what is required in the workout programs, their diet and their mentality. Her mission is to bring fresh and upto date information about how all the things one needs to get them closer to the results they want to achieve.

Visit her site, howtobuildmuscleforwomen.org for more information on products which are currently absolutely the best ones in the market today.
Click Here to get started right away.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Linda_S_Barker

The Importance of Practicing Patience in Bodybuilding

In body building patience can be said to be the greatest virtue that any one in bodybuilding should follow.
This is because the practice is not a one day event and everyone wishing to join must be ready for a life time routine whether he likes it or not. Many people fail and quit in body building because of the rash on the different issues that they may have wished for. Almost every thing in bodybuilding is all about waiting.

Growth of muscles in body building happens to be the major purpose for everyone venturing in this field. However people tend to be in a hurry to attain the huge muscles as they are displayed in television adverts and magazines. In the process people fall victim to the wrong approaches of bodybuilding. There are very many commercial products that are advertised, promising people of a strategy to gain muscles in the shortest time possible, but this should not mislead people and everyone should understand that without exercises body building can never become real. This tendency of looking for short cuts has led many people in hating bodybuilding for no reason. It is important to practice patience in the routine work outs set for gaining muscles and eventually this will make one feel proud of the success.

Human beings have a tendency of loving the easy way out to everything. Straining is what many people hate even if it works for their own good. The duration or intensity of work outs in body building is one avenue that has become the greatest enemy to starters in body building. This is because no one wants to be patient on the time set for exercising and we are always busy to move and attend to the favorites. But this will never work in body building, it is either one quits or sticks to the plan for the wok out. When setting the time everyone knows how long they can manage to exercise, therefore patience should be the guiding factor. At other times challenges face people especially on weights, and this is especially when new weights are being introduced. The muscles develop fatigue and the body experiences more pain than before, but this is for your own good. If at all one could be patient enough the muscles eventually adapt to the situation and the routine works out to be the easiest.

There is a very crucial time in body building and this is during the recovery process. Whether it is due to an injury or fatigue, this time remains very relevant. However, many people have failed to give their bodies time to recover and are in haste to go back to the gym for exercises. It should be clear that one may be adding more salt to injury when risking this kind of a situation. The body when injured is usually very weak and if subjected to more energy loss one might be even endangering his own life which is not alright in body building.

Always have a vision that keeps you going, so that one has a hope for the future to work for and this is what will encourage someone in body building however rough the profession may become.

Dane Fletcher is the world's most prolific bodybuilding and fitness expert and is currently the executive editor for BodybuildingToday.com. If you are looking for more bodybuilding tips or information on weight training, or supplementation, please visit www.BodybuildingToday.com, the bodybuilding and fitness authority site with hundreds of articles available FREE to help you meet your goals.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Dane_C._Fletcher

Body Building Workouts - Is Your Exercise Routine Amateur?

All enthusiasts of body building agree that the fastest way a person can lose belly fat is through focusing on abdominal exercises, the classic way of doing which is through crunches, but it has been known for a long time that crunches can strain the back.

Great body building workouts also involve the thighs and butts. This should make the lower limbs proportion with your abs and thighs. Below are two examples of workoutsfor your abs and thighs that will make significant changes to your thighs and butts.

The Side Plank Ab Exercise
This exercise works because it supports your entire body with only two limbs instead of four. This means that you have to exert more effort and the result is a stabilized and harder core muscles.

To do the side plank, lie on your left side and make sure your elbow is beneath your shoulder and legs. Place your right hand on your hip. Lift your hips off the floor, using your left hand to push yourself up while your left foot is planted firmly on the ground.

Hold this for 45 seconds and go back to the starting position. Do the same for the right side after several repetitions. This may not be everyone's favorite out of the many body building workouts, but it is quite effective.

The Walkout and Up Ab Exercise
This exercise involves the movement of the entire body because you will use your arms and legs to build resistance and strength on your entire core. To do this, start in push up position and lift yourself up in the same manner you would on a push-up. Next, walk using your hands and feet forward and backward.

Squat with Ball Thigh Exercise
Studies have shown that body building workouts through squats activate muscles in the butt area. What this does is to burn fat in your inner thighs and build the muscles therein.

To do it, you need an exercise ball placed between your back and the wall. Next, plant your feet firmly at should-width distance. Bend your knees by about 10 inches, making sure your shoulders and hips are aligned. Hold the position for five seconds and stand up. Repeat 12 times.

The Flamingo Balance
This exercise will involve many parts of your body such as the arms, the legs, the torso, and your thighs. The secret here is to it slowly to maximize the muscle movement. To get started, you need a dumbbell which you need to hold on your right hand. Put your left hand on your hip.

Lean your body forward while lifting your left foot then lift it behind, not forward, while your right foot provides support. Lift the left leg until the foot is at the same level as the hip, then lift your right arm forward with the dumbbell.

Slowly execute a biceps curl while in this position. Put your left foot slowly down and do the same exercise with the left hand. Before shifting to the left hand, do the exercise for about 10 repetitions.

I've prepared some powerful body building and fitness secrets for you below, enjoy!
To get cutting edge techniques in body building and getting in the best shape of your life, click here: Body Building Workouts
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jerry_Stanton

Five Suggestions for Beginner Body Building - Would You Like a Better Looking Body?

First time body building is not for the lazy, the unmotivated, or the shortcut-taker. Building a toned, muscular body is not an overnight process. It takes real dedication, hard work, careful planning, and a lot of sweat and tears before you have the body you want.

Here are a few simple instructions for first time body builders.

Don't pick an expensive gym or health club.

It isn't about where you do it. It's about what you do and how you do it. Don't fall for the hype of glitzy gyms with brand new, state-of-the-art equipment and personal trainers who bring you refreshments on a tray when you ask.

If you're really intent on building muscle, you can even do it at home with just a few free weights. You don't really need so much gear. Don't worry too much about finding the right gym. It's really all about your hard work anyway.

Start with the machines.

Beginners are just learning about proper form and posture, which is necessary in preventing injury and overexertion. When you're just starting out, use the machines instead of free weights. Machines force you into the proper posture while free weights take effort and some ability to balance.

If you're not good at it yet, you could end up hurting yourself. This is especially true when you don't have a spotter. Err on the side of caution and go with the machines.

Do some cardio as well.

Cardio is important because it burns off the fats. When you have less fat, you will be better able to see your muscles. Get on the treadmill for at least 20 minutes at least three times a week.

Alternatively, you can take up running or jogging. Do this first thing in the morning, when your body is at its peak fat-burning mode. But don't overdo it, lest you overheat yourself.

Consult your doctor.

Whether or not you have a preexisting health condition, you should schedule a checkup with your doctor before you begin training. Get a complete physical exam. Your doctor will be able to give you diet and training guidelines that are suited for your particular state of health.

Be patient.

You can't just lift some weights, drink a couple of protein shakes, and expect to wake up the next morning with ripped abs or toned pecs. Beginner body building can be easy, but not THAT easy. You have to have a workout plan. You have to train at least three times a week. You have to watch what you eat. Only after you do all these regularly for at least a few months will you see the results.

I have prepared very powerful body building techniques below, enjoy!
To get cutting edge techniques in body building and getting in the best shape of your life, click here: body building.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jerry_Stanton

Bodybuilding Training - The Pros Know What The Secret Is, Do You?

Many people are familiar with bodybuilding training. They usually get an idea about the program from various bodybuilders that seem to creep around. And as expected, different people have varying impressions about this kind of workout.

While most people are impressed with the discipline and level of commitment necessary to pursue the training, others are not as convinced. And there are certainly a lot of misconceptions about it. It is partly because of the various impressions they get from numerous self proclaimed bodybuilders.

To shed light to this subject matter, the following are some of the aspects that have to be understood about body building. And if you are interested in pursuing this undertaking, these are only a few basic things that you have to learn about this specific program.

The program shall depend on your specific objectives for the bodybuilding training.

While some builders are interested in bulking up, there are others too who want lean muscles. Depending on what specific objectives you have in mind, the workout plan and corresponding exercises shall be dictated by your specific goal. And there are major differences between these two.

Timing is everything.

While it is true that bodybuilding training requires you to push yourself out of your comfort zone, it does not in any way mean that you have to push yourself to unreasonable limits. As a matter of fact, prior to entering a program, you have to expect that it will take a while before you can see significant results.

It also means you have to set your schedule properly. It is critical that you understand your body's limitations and how your health works. This is why it is strongly recommended that you have proper consultations with a doctor before proceeding with dieting and the workouts itself.

One of the most important things that you need to take note of is that the body and the muscles specifically will need to recover after a strenuous workout. This simply means that you cannot work out every day as much as you want in an effort to get faster results. As a matter of fact, that type of practice will do very little to your bodybuilding progress.

Make gradual changes.

If anything at all, changes in your work out should be gradual. In other words, you cannot expect to lift heavy barbells immediately during the bodybuilding training. You have to take small steps at a time. And for a beginner like yourself, it is advised that you seek the assistance of a professional trainer who can lay the foundations of the program for your benefit.

I've prepared some powerful body building and fitness secrets for you below, enjoy!
To get cutting edge techniques in body building and getting in the best shape of your life, click here: Bodybuilding Training
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jerry_Stanton

Entering Your First Bodybuilding Competition, Three Mistakes To Avoid

During my first Masters bodybuilding competition in 2010, I was consumed in trying to be in the best possible condition I could be. The fact you are preparing to enter a show takes a solid commitment from you to dedicate your time and effort towards having the final package come together at show time.
There were in hindsight three key mistakes I made during my preparation for my first show that I took from the competition.

1. No Two Bodybuilders Bodies Respond The Same. You find out quickly that what works for someone else does not necessarily work for you. I was training with two other competitors however are bodies reacted differently. What one competitor is doing diet wise or weight training wise may not work for you. In my case we were all working on the same type of weight training program and got mixed results. You have to find what works best for you and stick with it. This is only accomplished by going through the process and measuring the results.

2. Lifting Too Light and Using High Repetitions. This was a mistake I made looking back that affected my muscle size and thickness. When you are training for a competition, and as you diet down and restrict your caloric intake,you lose some strength. I was working with repetitions in the 20 repetition range. I recommend staying in the repetition range of 6-12. Using more resistance will keep the necessary amount of resistance on your muscles to help them continue to grow and support their size.

If you built your body on heavy weights, than stay with what got you there. There is nothing that will get you placed in the back of the line-up than muscles that are flat due to inadequate resistance to promote continued growth.

3. Cutting Your Calories Too Soon. This is the hardest part in my estimation on how to perfect. We all understand the importance of diet. In fact it is the most important area to work on and devise a plan that will work for you. In my case I cut back my caloric intake too drastically the last two weeks which left me flat and took its toll on my muscle density. I in fact, I looked better three weeks before the show than I did at the show.

Learning to handle your diet properly during your pre-contest phase will take time and some experimentation. No one will get it right the first time. It will take several shows before you find out what dietary measures help you look your best.

I also recommend that you hire a trainer that has extensive bodybuilding experience to help you with the preparation and what to expect during your training and contest preparation.

Making the decision to enter your first show is exciting and will be an experience you will never forget.
Richard is the owner of Total Joint Fitness LLC located in Punta Gorda, Florida. Total Joint Fitness LLC, is a weight training website for individuals interested in building more muscle and creating stronger bodies or, Just want to get into better condition by losing weight to keep future health care costs down. For more information and products go to http://www.totaljointfitness.com.

For Richard's free ebook on the truth about fad diets and which diets to avoid when training to build muscle or losing weight, go to http://www.orthopedicweightloss.com for further information.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Richard_A_Haynes

The Guide to a Healthy Body Building Diet

Here's one big question that people usually ask once they start hitting the gym: What is a healthy body building diet? It is actually a normal question for someone who is trying to get healthy and lean. It is unfortunate, however, that you cannot eat just about anything. There are bodybuilding experts who believe in eating foods that make you feel good, so they do not count calories and they are not huge fans of "the right diet". Many of these bodybuilding experts find it ridiculous that a lot of people are making eating good way too complicated.

There are many bodybuilders who have been in the industry for quite some time now and they have their own rules when it comes to eating the right food. They are not dietitians and nutritionists, but many of them have managed to build and maintain a ripped condition for years. Here are some few rules that you can observe when it comes to a healthy body building diet:

a. Drink as much water as you can. This is probably the best advice that you can get. Water is crucial to the body's functions. It flushes out nasty chemicals from the body. The first thing that you have to do when you wake up in the morning is to drink a glass of water. Hydrate yourself immediately after sleeping. Can you drink something else aside from water? Unsweetened tea is a good drink. You can also enjoy dark coffee every now and then, but stay away from soft drinks, fruit juices and alcohol.

b. Learn to enjoy protein shakes. Typically, people who are building muscles need to take supplements like vitamin C, oat bran, vitamin E, phosphatidyl choline, cayenne, selenium, B-complex and niacin. You can wash them all down with a glass of protein shake.

c. Get your carbs from fruits and veggies. Avoid white bread, noodles, cereal, potato, rice and pasta. You can eat as much fruits and veggies as you want. If you want to be lean, you need to eat green. Include veggie salad in your meal at all times. Lettuce, for one, is a really good source of vitamins. Do not eat carbs after 8 pm.

d. Know where to get your proteins. Get your protein from eggs, chicken, fish, turkey and beef. Do not overdo it, however, with the beef. You can also get your protein from beans and legumes, but the protein you will get from these vegetables is not as complete as the protein you would get from meat.

A healthy body building diet need not be bland. You can still enjoy your beef and a cup of dark coffee. You just have to make sure that you observe your portions and you choose the right foods when it comes to your carbs and proteins.

Building muscles requires a healthy bodybuilding diet. Grab great tips on bodybuilding nutrition and diet from the expert! Know the right diet that can help you build your muscles fast!
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Mark_O_Johnson

The Many Advantages of Bodybuilding For All Bodybuilders

There is great possibility that majority of the world's population knows something to do with body building. But this does not justify that one should keep mum and forget about campaigning for bodybuilding which eventually provides fitness for many people in the world. The question that any starter in bodybuilding will ask is, Why Bodybuilding? But the answer is simple, fitness. To verify this issue, this article gives an overview of bodybuilding and its target within the population.

There are many advantage of bodybuilding to all categories of bodybuilders. In the current situation the teenagers have become targets to many eventualities and this is the reason why bodybuilding should be emphasized for the. The first thing of value mentioning here is that parents must encourage their children to have physical activities. This helps to prevent many of the future issues with them and does them a huge favor.

Discipline is one aspect that youths get from bodybuilding. As any kind of sport the process of bodybuilding develops in them spirit of great discipline. They must know that each day has training and it does not matter as to whether it is raining or whatever the case. This means that, nothing can stop them from going to the particular gyms and this is what transfers even to their social life.

Health is indispensable. Physical Activity makes them have a healthy growth. This also develops in them an attitude which eventually motivates them in doing other household duties without getting tired quickly. It also reduces your expenses of having to visit doctors and specialist because of conditions like obesity, high blood pressure among others.
Self-Confidence is a factor in bodybuilders. Having success in the respective gyms influences the teenagers positively in other spheres too and makes them dependable in future. The ability to conduct trainings in them makes them overcome the challenges and fears of life and this is a fact.

It is worth mentioning that, for children, they are not allowed to use any forms of supplements or even steroids when bodybuilding. This should be explained logically so that they wont want make it a secret. Explain to them all the benefits and other side effects of steroids and supplements. Let them know that, their level of growth is better made natural to make it successful.

Bodybuilding exercises also helps to have enough rest and sleep. This is because muscles are worn out and tired after exercising. They eventually want enough rests and cannot move any further. For teenagers, they just have to take a bath and feed well and getting sleep becomes easy. This lures them away from attending to other misfits which could destroy them in life. It also helps in their growth successful without any strains bringing their conditions to normal. With all these arguments it is evident that, bodybuilding serves a great purpose in teens and also other age disparities, the only important thing to consider is the better approach for bodybuilders and understanding your body efficiently.

Dane Fletcher is the world's most prolific bodybuilding and fitness expert and is currently the executive editor for BodybuildingToday.com. If you are looking for more bodybuilding tips or information on weight training, or supplementation, please visit http://www.BodybuildingToday.com, the bodybuilding and fitness authority site with hundreds of articles available FREE to help you meet your goals.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Dane_C._Fletcher

Different Types of Bodybuilding Supplements

Bodybuilding supplements are used to stimulate weight gain, improve athletic performance, or promote weight loss. Some of these products replace meals and others are designed as vitamin supplements. They are sold as either single-ingredients or as stacks, which are proprietary blends of several supplements that when combined, provide certain benefits.

Protein and Bodybuilding
Protein is designed to maximize muscle development and protein powder is one of the most popular types of supplements used by bodybuilders. The powder is mixed with juice, milk, or water. Whey protein is often consumed in place of a meal right before or after a workout and casein protein is typically taken before sleeping. Soy, egg white, rice, hemp, and pea are other types of protein. Supplements are also available in bars, gels, pre-made shakes, oats, and snack bites.

The Importance of Amino Acids
Amino acids represent the building blocks of protein. After the body consumes protein, the intestines and stomach break this substance into amino acids. Valine, leucine, and isoleucine are the three types of branched-chain amino acids. Bodybuilders realize numerous benefits from consuming supplements featuring one or more of these. These substances are metabolized within muscles and have an anticatabolic-anabolic effect, building up muscle tissue.

The most abundant amino acid located in human muscles is called glutamine. Anaerobic exercise is believed to deplete natural stores of glutamine and a glutamine supplement helps restore it, providing ample supply for muscles and maximizing the effectiveness of muscle tissue. Essential fatty acids are unable to be produced within the body but are necessary for various bodily functions and are therefore available as supplements. These include fish oil, which can also be found in fatty fish like trout and salmon, and flaxseed oil, which is found in pumpkin seeds and walnuts.

Creatine and Its Benefits
Creatine is a naturally occurring organic acid that provides muscle cells with energy. Scientific studies reveal that creatine may also improve muscle mass, strength, recovery time, and even brain function. In addition to providing short energy bursts, it reduces mental fatigue. This substance is found in many foods including beef, salmon, tuna, and herring. As a supplement, it is available in several forms and combining it with both carbohydrates and protein can enhance its effects.

Protein, branched-chain amino acids, glutamine, essential fatty acids, and creatine are several popular bodybuilding supplements. Other types include testosterone boosters and thermogenic products that increase the metabolic rate, stimulating fat burning and weight loss. By incorporating one or more of these supplements into the diet, bodybuilders realize numerous benefits.

BodyBuildingFAQS.com is a site dedicated to providing quality and truthful information regarding bodybuilding supplements. Today, athletes of all types are interested in finding the best bodybuilding supplements they can use to help increase their muscle mass, lose weight, and give them a truly "ripped" body. For more information, visit our website today!
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Clark_E._Hife

Best Routine for Size and Strength: Bodybuilding Vs Powerlifting Routines

Powerlifting routines
incorporate the bread and butter exercises of weightlifting; the bench, squat and deadlift, and aim to increase these lifts as much as possible whether for a powerlifting competition or sport. An athlete can increase performance through their strength by developing these lifts with a solid powerlifting routine. By doing a powerlifting routine you can make significant gains in strength but are unlikely to pack on as much muscle as you would with a bodybuilding routine.
Beginner powerlifting routines generally includes a linear progression of weight in the three main lifts with a higher frequency in the amount of times the lift is performed each week. This can be done as it takes advantage of a beginners ability to make gains in strength at a much faster rate. A more advanced type of routine is generally non-linearly progressive with fewer max effort attempts per week but the exercises are performed with greater intensity. Some accessory exercises may be implemented to assist with the main lifts as well as balancing the body and building some muscle.

In contrast, bodybuilding focuses on hypertrophy which includes a higher rep range and a different style of training. Typically involving a split of different body parts with exercises in the 8-15 range. By doing a bodybuilding routine one can expect an increase in muscle mass as well as small increase in strength.
If your goal is to build both strength and put on muscle than which style of training is better: powerlifting or bodybuilding? What most people don't release is that you can combine both styles of training in a way known as powerbuilding.

I would highly recommend anyone who wants both size and strength to do a powerbuilding routine as doing both power and hypertrophy styles of training complement each other and generate much greater results. By increasing the amount of weight that can be lifted the potential for growth when doing a bodybuilding style of training also increases.

If you think about it, when doing a bench press at 300lbs for 10 reps there would be a greater potential for growth then doing 200lbs for 10 reps. This would allow for a greater overload on the muscles producing an increased response for growth. And by building more muscle mass through bodybuilding there is greater potential for force to be produced due to bigger muscle fibres.

You ideally get the best of both worlds when following a powerbuilding routine.
If you want a powerbuilding routine then you can find it here:
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jim_P_Brown

Will Taking Bodybuilding Supplements Cause Adverse Effects?

You will normally find that those who are serious about bodybuilding will supplement with bodybuilding supplements, but there can often be a worry if there are adverse health effects associated with this.

Surprisingly, or not, many of the most popular bodybuilding supplements can cause adverse effects, especially if not taken carefully and correctly, for example, caffeine can cause heart issues and also paranoia. But if you take caffeine as directed and in the correct doses then you can improve your workout with increased levels of concentration and energy.

Glutamine is slightly different as it has no known big side effects. Glutamine is a great way to keep your immune system in good condition as it already occurs naturally in your body. One of the reasons that glutamine is a popular bodybuilding supplement is that during a workout your levels will tend to drop. If you are looking for quality supplements then you should try a company such as PhD Supplements.

However, it is possibly to experience negative reactions from your supplements. Those with mental conditions should stay away from glutamine as it can cause manic depression which can cause conditions such as bipolar disorder to worsen. There is no way of knowing if you will react badly to glutamine if you have never tried it before, but be sure to contact your doctor immediately if a reaction does occur.

Another supplement that is mostly safe to take is creatine. If you do not take creatine while you are working out too then you will find you get no results, however taken alongside a training programme it can drastically transform your muscle gain. There have been a few reports of dehydration and muscle cramps due to creatine but these have been minimal. Others have complained of worse side effects like kidney problems and heart problems. If you are thinking of starting to take glutamine then you should also follow the previous advice regarding glutamine, the complaints are very few but it is better to be cautious.

Whatever bodybuilding supplements you decide to take, we suggest you do your research first, and consult your trainer or doctor if you are worried about adverse side effects. If taken correctly, supplements can be vital to a training regime and can provide the body with much needed nutrients and can even help repair muscle tissue, but any body building supplement can cause harm if you go overboard. Be aware that different people react differently to certain things so you must always equip yourself with the appropriate information before you start a supplementation programme.

The author is an avid fan of the gym and exercise and takes health and lifestyle very seriously indeed and when not in the gym, enjoy nothing more than writing about it and other related topics such as the benefits and drawbacks of bodybuilding supplements and other gym equipment. One of their favourite supplement companies is PhD Supplements.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Katy_Q

Analyzing Stereotypes in Bodybuilding

When you present the word "bodybuilder" to the average American, he or she is going to come up with one of three immediate and predictable reactionary words. The first will be "Arnold!", indicating their knowledge of the sport of building new muscle mass and strength is limited to what Hollywood told them. The second might be 'drugs', in which case they have been trained by an ignorant and biased media to associate anyone with biceps measuring greater than 12 inches to have been injecting testosterone into their backside twice a day. And the third may be some classic stereotype of the lunkhead, meat head obnoxious bodybuilder. Let's look at the good, the bad, and the ugly perceptions of those who lift iron, and how these stereotypes can be better managed.

The Good
The ideal bodybuilder is one that lifts and enjoys it as a way to improve his or her own life - and that's it. They don't preach to others, but they're happy to help. They look and feel healthy. They aren't covered in acne, they aren't bloated, and they aren't forcing their lifestyles upon anyone else. This is the categories in which most lifters fall. In fact, with some smaller framed lifters, you don't even know they practice well balanced bodybuilding training until you see them sans shirt. They keep their lifting on the down-low!

The Bad
You've seen these guys, and there's a good chance you've been this guy before. They want to talk about bodybuilding 24/7. They carry protein shakers to the bathroom with them in case their anabolic window happens to try to close while they're urinating. They have FLEX mags everywhere, and they're always on the forums. They leave written diets in the company lunchroom next to the cooler they use to bring their 4 meals for an 8-hour shift. They're obnoxious, but not overbearing.

The Ugly
Worst. Bodybuilder. Ever. They use the word "bro" in every sentence. They wear TWO bandanas. Their vintage 1980's Zubaz shorts and Optimix shoes were actually purchased in the 1980s. And they love spandex. They spend 3 hours in the gym talking, and 27 minutes training. They carry more Tupperware than a Walmart SuperCenter. And we won't even talk about their bodily emissions...

It's okay to work out and it's okay to talk about it. But there's no need to shove it in the face of others. You should never "suggest" to someone that they need to work out - there's a good chance they already know it! Be there for friendly advice if they ask, but beyond there, just live your life and be the best "you" that you can be.

If you want to get in the best shape of your life - you need to check out Primal Muscle. There you will find the hottest training strategies, nutrition tips, diet plans, and even custom workouts... plus you will have access to world-class sports supplements that will help you reach your goals fast... don't delay - visit the Primal Muscle Training Blog today!
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Dane_C._Fletcher

Female Bodybuilding Fitness - How to Start

Female bodybuilding fitness can be daunting for the beginner. Where to start? How to learn muscle building quickly and effectively? How not to waste time getting no results? Here are some excellent basics you need to learn about female bodybuilding fitness which should propel you to seeing the results you want to see quickly and effectively.

1. Weightlifting.

Obviously to build your muscles quickly, lifting weights is going to be what gets the job done. Don't be intimidated by weightlifting! It is very straight forward and you can catch on how to train properly very quickly if you follow the right advice and routine. Basically you have a bunch of different muscles you will be training. You will split those muscle groups up into different days (one day you will train your chest, your triceps, and your shoulders for instance. This is just an example of a common split.) And then another day you will train a different set of muscles. Once you have it all on paper, know your routine, then you can pick up the weights and go at it.

2. Eating.

What many newcomers don't realize is just how important eating is to female bodybuilding fitness. It's not about "dieting", more than it's about eating the right foods at the right times throughout the day. Eating properly (the right amount of protein/carbs/and fats throughout the day) will make the difference between barely average results to outstanding results. Once again, eating is not hard to figure out once you have a good plan in front of you.

3. The Routine.

To see results quickly and not waste time with your training, a good routine is essential. A routine will consist of a workout program and eating recommendations. The workout program will consist of a body part split to follow and the proper number of sets and reps. An eating program will consist of the right portion and combination of food to eat to put on muscle while getting lean.

Want to see an awesome Female Bodybuilding Fitness routine? Check it out at http://femalefitnesssecrets.blogspot.com/
You'll get results quickly on this great female bodybuilding fitness routine - http://femalefitnesssecrets.blogspot.com/
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jessica_Flowers

Bodybuilding Diet Mistakes to Avoid at All Costs

1) Eating very little or excessive protein.

Protein is the key nutrient in any bodybuilding diet plan. In order to build muscle one should consume at least 1 gram of protein per pound of lean bodyweight. Less protein can actually hinder one's progress significantly and result in frustration and lack of results. On the other hand excessive protein calories in a diet can be stored as body fat or in some cases used as energy. One gram per pound of lean bodyweight spread over 6 nutritious meals is a great starting point. If you want to build more muscle or you train harder OR you find that you are not recovering as fast you can slowly increase your protein intake to 1.1 grams per pound or 1.25 grams. Protein is the building block for muscle tissue and if you want to build mass OR get ripped you have to start eating more.

2) Eating the wrong types of carbs.

This is one of the most common nutritional mistakes I come across. I see people who want to add muscle and they eat anything for carbs, from chocolate bars & donuts to rice & potatoes! Fact of the matter is, not all carbs are created equal and you will be what you eat, eventually! Most people tend to overeat simple carbs (sugars) which give them an almost immediate rise in energy but also an equally sudden slump. A proper bodybuilding diet, whether it's for mass gaining purposes or leaning out, should consist mostly of complex carbs. Complex carbs are digested slowly and released into the bloodstream steadily over a period of time. This provides a steady source of energy for muscles throughout the day. With complex carbs there are no highs and lows in energy as they stay steady throughout the day.

Imagine your energy as a line in a graph. With complex carbs, your energy is a completely straight line, always staying high. With simple carbs, your energy line is like a few mountain peaks. It has a few extreme highs but it's followed by extreme lows as well! Carbs have a very significant effect on the way the body utilizes protein. Carbs have a "protein sparing" effect ie when you eat enough carbs, your body will use the protein you give it only for muscle repairing/building purposes. If you don't give your body enough carbs throughout the day, it will automatically break down protein to synthesize glycogen for energy. It's a process called glycogenesis and it will take place when your body is running low on carbs. If your body starts to break down proteins you will enter a catabolic state and your metabolism will slow down significantly. You will also lose muscle & strength.

3) Cheating too much with the wrong foods.

Cheating in any bodybuilding diet is an absolute must. Whether you are dieting for a contest or trying to gain muscle, you should set a specific day of the week where you will be able to have a cheat meal of your liking. The way you cheat depends 100% on how strict you are with your diet. Bodybuilders who are dieting for a contest are the most strict, limiting their cheat meals to once a week or once every two weeks. On the other hand, bodybuilders who are trying to gain muscle mass cheat more often, maybe 2-3 times a week. It is important however to cheat sensibly and not go overboard! If you eat a gallon of ice cream in one sitting and consume over 3000 calories, what do you think will happen? Most likely, the extra calories from sugars & fat will be stored as body fat! The KEY to cheating is to do it with moderation. If you want to be a bodybuilder you should forget about eating anything you want. I don't care how fast your metabolism is! If you eat a ton of cheat meals, it will backfire on you and your progress will slow down.

4) Thinking supplements as the "holy grail".

Nutritional supplements are exactly what they describe! They are there to supplement your diet in case you cannot eat enough nutrients from solid natural foods. Nothing on earth can substitute the power and metabolic effects of natural foods. Supplements provide mostly conveniency when we don't have time to cook but they are in no way better than food. Do not look at supplements as the "solution" to your lack of progress. Yes, some of them do provide an extra boost in strength or fat loss BUT if you do not have a solid diet & training program as the foundation of your bodybuilding goals, supplements will do very little for you.

5) Not eating enough fats & fatty acids.

All fat is not created equal! Eating some fats can actually help you gain mass and keep your body healthy. Most people try to avoid fats like the plague but this approach can actually hinder their mass gaining or fat loss efforts. Egg yolks, virgin olive oil, canola oil, flaxseed oil, natural peanut butter & fish oils are all excellent sources of healthy fats. These not only support a healthy metabolism & hormone production but can provide healthy calories for your bulking up bodybuilding diet. Stay away from saturated fats & trans fatty acids at all costs! They will ruin your physique and cause havoc to your body & health.

6) Not having variety in your diet.

I asked a bodybuilder friend of mine recently how his diet was. His reply was typical: "You know, Kostas, chicken breasts, brown rice, steak, tuna, more rice, baked potatoes..the usual". Don't get me wrong, all of these foods are top of the line for your bodybuilding diets but you can add MORE! Eating the same thing day in day out is really boring. I have eaten so much canned tuna that i cannot even stand to look at it anymore! A bodybuilding diet is a HEALTHY diet first and foremost. Variety is very important - not only for health's sake but also for your mind's sake. Having variety will help you enjoy your nutritional program for years to come and you will also cheat less. There are so many bodybuilding recipe cookbooks out there that give you an immense amount of choices, ideas & healthy alternatives to the staples of chicken & rice.

7) Failing to track calories on a daily basis.

Experts say to measure portions, measure plate fulls or just eat as much as you can (when bulking). I find all this completely wrong. In order to make real progress and see how your body is reacting to your specific diet, you need to accurately track calories. If you do not, you are setting yourself up for frustration. Knowing how many calories you are consuming on any given day can help you make necessary changes if you are not seeing the results you want. You can either keep a diary of your daily calories or you can add them up in excel. Counting calories can be a tedious process at first but you get used to it really fast. Eventually you'll be able to add everything up in your head automatically!

8) Overeating.

If you are trying to gain weight be careful not to fall pray to the "experts" who say that you have to eat everything in sight. Yes, you most definitely have to eat a large number of calories & meals every day but that does not mean that you have to stuff yourself like there's no tomorrow! Overeating calories & especially sugars will only make you gain body fat. You can gain a tremendous amount of weight & mass even if you eat clean foods! The only thing you have to do is eat more of them!!

9) Making big changes all at once.

Changing your diet all of a sudden and following a Mr. Olympia's diet will not do you any good. You will end up gaining body fat or starving your muscles. If you want to change your diet, make sure you do so by either increasing or decreasing your calories over a period of time. Start by adding 100 calories every 3-5 days until you have reached the desired caloric intake. Once you reach the desired caloric level keep close track of your body weight & body fat percentage in order to assess whether the new changes in your diet are beneficial or not.

10) Not drinking enough water.

Water is probably one of the most important ingredients for life. Over 70% of our muscles consist of water. Water is needed for all metabolic processes, including protein synthesis. It helps get rid of toxins, it is important in fat metabolism and it can reduce fluid retention. A good rule of thumb is to drink 10 cups of water per day, increasing it during the summer months and during hardcore training sessions. Even the slightest bit of dehydration can make you feel sluggish and hold you back during your training sessions. Never ignore water intake!!

Copyright 2005 - Kostas Marangopoulos
Kostas Marangopoulos is a natural bodybuilder, fitness writer and nutrition consultant, specializing in the bodybuilding/muscle building nutrition field with 15 years experience. He is the editor in chief of the largest all natural bodybuilding diet site on the web, Bodybuilding Applied.com. His educational background includes a Master's Degree and he is also a certified personal trainer with the National Strength & Conditioning Association. Kostas has helped thousands of people reach their muscle building goals faster and with more success, through his expertise on the field and his commitment to staying on the cutting edge of the nutrition, exercise science, personal training and goal achievement.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Kostas_Marangopoulos

Tips On Body Building - Want Tips On Having More Energy?

It may be true that thousands of articles have already been written with good ideas on how to weight lift. Many of these can also be misleading and are pointing to things that will convince you to buy something. Here, we are going to summarize only the essentials of making your efforts successful.

Strain in Style
First off, you must dress appropriately. This is not for the purpose of looking extravagant but for avoiding injuries and for helping your movements become more fluid and flexible. You must wear comfortable garments so as you progress in your routine, your clothes will not get in the way of your sweat, fatigue, and requirements for movement.

The acceptable types of clothing when weightlifting are sweatpants, leggings, shorts, jogging pants, boxer shirts, tank tops, and sports bras. It is also equally important that you wear rubber shoes so you can maximize feet movements, especially if you are running on a treadmill for your cardio workout.

Eat Right
The second on our tips on body building is to choose the right kind of food. Any trainer, athlete, and successful weightlifter will tell you that you are what you eat. You should never neglect proper nutrition because if you do, you will waste all of your efforts and will not see the fruits of your labor.

To do this right, follow the hierarchy of the food group pyramid by eating more foods found at the bottom and eat less of the foods found on top. Below is the hierarchy of the food groups.
  • Meat, poultry, dry beans, nuts, eggs, and fish
  • Milk, yogurt, cheese
  • Fruit
  • Vegetables
  • Bread, Cereal, Pasta
In addition to this, make sure you get adequate intake of the following nutrients: Carbohydrates, proteins, good fats, vitamins, and minerals.

Do Not Take Supplements
The last of our secrets on weightlifting is to completely avoid supplements because these things can do more harm than good. There is a craze about creatine and this can be a bad step if you are rushing to build your body. Creatine is a substance that has nitrogen that is also naturally found in our body, specifically the pancreas, the liver, and the kidneys.

Creatine gives our body the right energy to move in cases where the body needs more energy than usual, like in emergency situations or when you are working out. Taking supplements is faking your abilities. If you are going to body build, make sure you do it the natural way.

I have prepared very powerful body building techniques below, enjoy.

To get cutting edge techniques in body building and getting in the best shape of your life, click here: tips on body building
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jerry_Stanton

Golf Strength Training Exercise is Not Body Building

Despite many reassurances, some amateur golfers still dread golf strength training exercises.
The problem would appear to be the presence of equipment like dumb bells in this sort of strength training. Not everybody is an exercise expert and therefore many people cannot tell the difference between body building exercise and strength building exercises.

The two are very different. They are so different that the difference can be compared to the difference there is between day and night.

Body building has got no part to play in golf strength training exercises. If anything this sort of exercise routine would damage a golfer's game rather than improve it.

One of the effects of a body building exercise program that includes nothing else is that it causes the body to lose flexibility. Flexibility is very important in golf and that is precisely the reason why stretch exercises are a part of any good and genuine golf strength training exercise program.

In body building the emphasis is on lifting increasingly heavier weights so as to get the muscles to grow in size as quickly as possible. A body building program is usually rigorous and definitely not for everybody.

Muscle strength-building exercises using dumb bells are the exercises that are useful to golfers. Dumb bells play a huge role in golf strength training exercise programs. Only that the weight lifting program is very different from the one used in body building.

Much lighter weights are used and lifted up and down many more times than is the case in weight lifting. Still the sessions are much shorter than body building sessions.

Results have shown clearly that when this golf strength training program is combined with stretch exercises, the improvement witnessed in any person's game has to be seen to be believed. The results of golf strength training exercise programs are usually tremendous.

Do you want to discover the secret to creating more power and consistency in your golf swing... AND eliminating ALL your swing faults?

Download this: Play Better Golf
Mike Pedersen helps golfers' improve their golf swing power, consistency and golf swing faults by addressing the physical limitations in their golf swing.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Mike_Pedersen

Body's Natural Body Building Supplements

Right now, the athletes, bodybuilders and health enthusiasts are more aware of the supplements that are healthy and unhealthy. They know that using of steroids as muscle mass grower is prohibited. They prefer healthy foods and hard work in order to achieve their most aimed body, which are stronger, leaner and well-formed muscles.

These supplements contain nutrients that are good for building muscles. These types of supplements are better because they not treated with chemicals that may cause harm to your body later on.

Some of the natural bodybuilding supplements are:
Protein - it is important in our cell in the body. Protein is used for making and repairing the damaged tissues due to intense activities. It is also a building block of cartilages, skin, bones and blood. Protein is a macronutrient that means a huge amount is needed in the body daily. High amount of protein intake daily is necessary because the body cannot store protein unlike fats and carbohydrates. When the body needs protein, the only way to intervene with it is to take enough protein. Good quantity of protein will more likely shed off your fats while feeling full because protein are the most time consuming during digestion process. The good sources of protein are brown rice, meats, eggs, nuts, legumes, and tofu.

Carnitine - is produced by the liver and kidneys. Their main purpose is the transportation of fats in the cell for the metabolism of fats, the product would be energy. This energy will help the bodybuilder to prolong the training because there is enough energy supplementation. It helps you to decrease fats and at the same time gain muscles. Red meats, asparagus, poultry, avocados and peanuts are some foods rich in carnitine.

Glutamine- works as a natural bodybuilding supplements by maintaining the muscle mass by preventing the muscle from breaking down, prevent infections by boosting the immune system, maintains cell volume and hydration, it the most needed nutrient for intestines because it maintains the structural integrity of the colon. It also helps in recovering from a draining workout and stress of the body builder. The good source of glutamine includes beef, chicken, fish, dairy products and legumes.

Creatine - are found in tunas, salmon and red meats. The foods rich in protein are more likely rich in creatine as well. This is a very good natural bodybuilding supplements because it produces an extra energy for workouts, decreases the feeling of having fatigue and promote gaining of muscle weight.

Food is the primary source of having a good and healthy body. Although there are times that, the food we eat cannot sustain the energy needed by the body during workout that is why it is recommended that you, as a bodybuilder, will take natural bodybuilding supplements.

Wanna find out more about natural Body building products? then visit our site for know also best Muscle builder supplements.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Max_A_Ross

The Importance of Bodybuilding Supplements

A good metabolism rate is the key to a healthy lifestyle. You may be exercising hard but are you eating equally well? Skipping meals, eating junk food, etc. has become a norm in our lives today.

A health supplement is often prescribed by doctors as well to ensure a proper nutrient intake for the patients. This helps to bring the body metabolism back on track and guarantees faster recovery. Another amazing property of dietary supplements is their anti ageing effect. There is no fountain of youth to keep you young forever but a simple trick can do wonders. A lot of the dietary supplements are made up of vitamins and minerals that are rich in anti oxidants. These anti oxidants help slow down the ageing process by ensuring a healthy metabolism rate. You may not be young forever but there is no harm in looking a little lesser than your age, is there?

Contrary to popular belief; dietary supplements are not restricted to hard core gym goers. Even common people like us can benefit a lot from the daily dose of vitamins.

When it comes to bodybuilding and gaining mass of muscles, many people think that taking body building supplements would be enough. However, this belief is not too far from the truth. These supplements are just additional factors to a good training and nutrition program designed for an individual to gain body mass. Proper training and nutrition are the most important factors of a bodybuilding program, with recovery and rest next in line. Once all of these factors are maximized, only then can a person start considering the use of bodybuilding supplements.

Taking bodybuilding supplements is good because it helps ensure that the body is getting enough nutrition essential for daily activity. The increase in physical activity levels of the new bodybuilding program will make the body demand for a greater supply of vitamins and minerals, which, without proper diet and supplement, may lead to vitamin deficiency. The slightest of vitamin deficiency can ruin the whole process of muscle growth. However not all bodybuilding supplements are created equal. Some supplements have what the body always needs while other supplements are dependent on the individual's goals.

Basic bodybuilding supplements are types of supplement that contains the vitamins and minerals the body always need. These supplements are recommended for individuals with a tight budget. Multiple vitamin and mineral formula are bodybuilding supplements that contain essential vitamins and minerals that ensures the body will be able to operate with maximum efficiency.

Vitamins are organic compounds found in both vegetable and meat products. The function of vitamins is to enhance the functions of proteins that causes chemical reactions such as fat and calorie burning, energy production and muscle building. Minerals on the other hand are inorganic compounds. The main function of minerals in the body is to ensure that the brain receives correct signals from all the parts of the body, energy production, muscle building and contraction and balance of body fluids.

When it comes to body building supplement, make sure you trust no one but the best provider in town by clicking here!
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Lewis_Zachary

How Do We Classify Bodybuilding, As a Culture Or As a Sport?

It's really confusing to try and classify body building. Is bodybuilding a sport or a social subculture? Body builders are essentially physique athletes but it seems they have been so self-consumed in the individual muscle search that they have not established a true collective identity. Why has bodybuilding in all its existence years not gone mainstream? At the very most, body building has remained a sequestered field and a selective hardcore venture.

These questions leave us nowhere at all because their answers are as theoretical and philosophical as religion itself. But from a very objective point of view, bodybuilding can be argued as a subculture of the contemporary society, one with a unique set of values and principles. Mainstream bodybuilding has gone commercial, with the body builders with adequately muscled physiques making the highest dollar today. It is a subculture by itself because bodybuilding constitutes a very distinct lifestyle which is very much a way of life.

Being a body builder is not just about going to he gym, it is all about what one eats, what one wears, what one does while at home or work, what one says and how he or she says it. Bodybuilding transforms attitude and perspective to life. That's why most body builders can never speak of anything else but the industry wherever they are. Some have totally become obnoxious while in social settings because they are full of bodybuilding in their mind and mouth, much to the loathing of those not interested in the world of 'muscle is king'.

In contemporary society, body builders are seen as those individual so centered on physique and appearance that they actually adore muscled bodies as people adore their religious godheads. No successful bodybuilder can afford to be an average person because body builders live in a world of their own no matter how ordinary they try to look or seem. Bodybuilding is therefore, and without question so, a subculture by its own right that brings together like minded (read muscle minded) individuals into a field the ordinary world regards as 'abnormal'.

To the question whether body building is a sport, the answer is very emphatic despite all attempts to be objective. Of course body building is a sport! What defines a sport, is it not a competitive activity that involves two or more parties where each party tries to win the objective against the other parties. Competitive body building is a life long venture in which an individual commits himself or herself to the attainment of muscle mass, definition and strength to such extents as other competitive peers cannot. In here is an element of competition, an element of distinct parties and even an element of the objective. What lacks to make body building a sport like any other?

Body building has a fanatic popularity that surpasses some other mainstream sports like surfing, skateboarding and sumo wrestling. People pay hundreds of dollars to be spectators a body building contest. Champion body builders have a fun base unachievable in most other sports. To say the list, body building deserves to be recognized as a sport more than many other conventionalized sports. World politics and social dogmas only alienate body building from being accepted in the world sport's circus as a sport but even that can't last for long.

Dane Fletcher is the world's most prolific bodybuilding and fitness expert and is currently the executive editor for BodybuildingToday.com. If you are looking for more bodybuilding tips or information on weight training, or supplementation, please visit http://www.BodybuildingToday.com the bodybuilding and fitness authority site with hundreds of articles available FREE to help you meet your goals.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Dane_C._Fletcher

The Connection Between Banana and Bodybuilding

If you are a gym buff, then you have probably heard that you should eat a banana before and after your work out. Yes, it's true! A banana is a very important food for body builders and most of them do eat banana before and after their gym session. But what's in the fruit? Is it because of its protein content? Protein is very essential in building muscles because it helps in muscular repair after an intense workout. Or is it because of the potassium? We all know that banana is very rich in potassium. Well, to know the truth, let's see how much protein and potassium the banana contains.

The facts:
In an average sized banana, there would be about 400 mg of potassium and around 1 gram of protein. Now let us analyze if the protein content in a banana is sufficient enough to provide the protein needs of a bodybuilder post workout. According to studies, an average man needs 2 grams of protein/kg of body weight, and for athletes and bodybuilders, the requirement would be 3-4 gm protein/ kg of body weight. Considering the facts mentioned, we can safely conclude that eating banana after a workout has nothing to do about protein. Bananas are good source of potassium. 400 grams of potassium is actually 10 percent of the recommended potassium intake daily for the average man.

Electrolyte is lost during intense activities like in working out and potassium is one of those electrolytes. So eating a banana prior will help prevent too much potassium loss and eating one after workout replenish the potassium lost by the body. It will also prevent dehydration, muscular cramps and weakness which are common during excessive electrolyte loss.

So, there you go! Banana is important for bodybuilders because of its potassium content and not for its protein. To effectively improve your physique, eating a combination of banana and high protein foods like eggs, nuts and chicken breasts is the best thing to do.
This article is written by Debra Trotter. She is an article writer for around 2 years. Not only does this author specialize in a large range of topics, you can also checkout her newest website on cheap gift baskets which shows and explains information about different specialty gift baskets.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Debra_Trotter

Women's Bodybuilding: Controversial Fad or Life Changing Sport

One of the biggest changes in the world of bodybuilding has been the growing proportion of women in the sport. Increasingly more and more women are choosing bodybuilding as a method to improve their health, fitness and strength, which is hardly surprising given how successful this sport can be in achieving these goals.

One of the pioneers of female bodybuilding was Lisa Lyon, who developed many of the dance-like muscle poses that are still popular today. She also sought out a variety of photographers that took the photos that introduced the sculpted female body to the world. The stunning Rachel McLish, who won the very first female Ms. Olympia title then set the standards that many female bodybuilders still try to achieve today. She managed to combine her sexy looks with muscularity and body tone and in doing so created a benchmark that many people still aspire to.

The world of women's bodybuilding however had to travel a relatively rocky road to reach the point of relative acceptance that it enjoys today. Women had never built their muscles for aesthetic purposes before, although they have always used other forms of exercise to keep fit and attractive. In any case, bodybuilding for women was not widely approved of at first and was criticized by both men and women. These days however, women's bodybuilding, while not nearly as popular as men's bodybuilding is a much more accepted form of fitness. Whether this is simply the sport itself maturing, changing personal beliefs or the growing equality between the sexes, female bodybuilding is enjoying a much higher profile these days.

The most of obvious benefit of female bodybuilding is its effect on health and fitness. As has been written before, bodybuilding provides a very effective way to manage weight, health and body shape that many other general exercises and sports simply can't offer. This statement holds true whether the participant is male or female. Many women suffer from strength deficits, body weight issues and a loss of physical capacity, especially after childbirth, and bodybuilding is a great way to manage these issues. Unfortunately many women concentrate exclusively on aerobic exercise and never perform any form of resistance training as they have been told they will look like a man if they lift weights, which is of course a myth.

It is very common for women to try a variety of dieting programs, some of which are extremely unhealthy and misleading. These kinds of diets can cause a loss of general health, bone mass, and lean muscle mass. Bodybuilding can help avoid all of these issues as participants learn to integrate exercise and nutrition using well-developed and well-understood scientific principles into their daily lives and routines, which has obvious health benefits.

Many of these bodybuilding workouts that can be easily found online are as relevant for women as they are for men. Although the goal might be to develop muscle tone as opposed to developing muscle size this is easily accommodated by varying the sets, repetitions, and weights that are used when performing the exercises. Women who want to undertake bodybuilding should therefore learn the common exercises that are performed in the gym the same way as a man would, and incorporate them into a training program that uses higher repetition and lower weights in order to achieve the goal of increased body tone.

Alexi has studied and worked in the health and fitness industry for over 10 years and specializes in health, lifestyle and fitness topics. Alexi has a number of websites that provide valuable information on equipment that helps you get the most out of your training sessions. You can read all about workout gloves for women at his website about Harbinger Gloves.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Alexi_G_Sachlikidis