Body Building Workouts - Is Your Exercise Routine Amateur?

All enthusiasts of body building agree that the fastest way a person can lose belly fat is through focusing on abdominal exercises, the classic way of doing which is through crunches, but it has been known for a long time that crunches can strain the back.

Great body building workouts also involve the thighs and butts. This should make the lower limbs proportion with your abs and thighs. Below are two examples of workoutsfor your abs and thighs that will make significant changes to your thighs and butts.

The Side Plank Ab Exercise
This exercise works because it supports your entire body with only two limbs instead of four. This means that you have to exert more effort and the result is a stabilized and harder core muscles.

To do the side plank, lie on your left side and make sure your elbow is beneath your shoulder and legs. Place your right hand on your hip. Lift your hips off the floor, using your left hand to push yourself up while your left foot is planted firmly on the ground.

Hold this for 45 seconds and go back to the starting position. Do the same for the right side after several repetitions. This may not be everyone's favorite out of the many body building workouts, but it is quite effective.

The Walkout and Up Ab Exercise
This exercise involves the movement of the entire body because you will use your arms and legs to build resistance and strength on your entire core. To do this, start in push up position and lift yourself up in the same manner you would on a push-up. Next, walk using your hands and feet forward and backward.

Squat with Ball Thigh Exercise
Studies have shown that body building workouts through squats activate muscles in the butt area. What this does is to burn fat in your inner thighs and build the muscles therein.

To do it, you need an exercise ball placed between your back and the wall. Next, plant your feet firmly at should-width distance. Bend your knees by about 10 inches, making sure your shoulders and hips are aligned. Hold the position for five seconds and stand up. Repeat 12 times.

The Flamingo Balance
This exercise will involve many parts of your body such as the arms, the legs, the torso, and your thighs. The secret here is to it slowly to maximize the muscle movement. To get started, you need a dumbbell which you need to hold on your right hand. Put your left hand on your hip.

Lean your body forward while lifting your left foot then lift it behind, not forward, while your right foot provides support. Lift the left leg until the foot is at the same level as the hip, then lift your right arm forward with the dumbbell.

Slowly execute a biceps curl while in this position. Put your left foot slowly down and do the same exercise with the left hand. Before shifting to the left hand, do the exercise for about 10 repetitions.

I've prepared some powerful body building and fitness secrets for you below, enjoy!
To get cutting edge techniques in body building and getting in the best shape of your life, click here: Body Building Workouts
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